
Alright you know the drill, Ghost. But i was thinking maybe this time we could do one about horses at a breeding stable, and the humans are kind? They keep the horses in lush pastures, and bring them up to the barn and put them in their stalls at night. . . . For the Horses- . Name: Age: Height: Personality: Gender: Link: Edited at May 1, 2024 08:01 PM by Panther PONs

Name: After The Illusion - AKA Illusion Age: 3 Height: 13.1 (chill she's still growing 😭) Personality: Smart, Docile, Sweet, Cheeky sometimes, Maternal Gender: Mare Edited at May 1, 2024 08:04 PM by Panther PONs

(ooh i like it ) Name: rivers of as (ash ) Age: 4 Height: 16,1 hh Personality: ash tends to be willing to please, but his overall power can also make him somewhat headstrong and stubborn if he gets his mind set on something. Gender: stallion

(Ill Start ^^) Illusion Streached ana got up as she heard the humans coming into the barn to let her out. She had heard rumors of a new stallion being transferred to their barn. She hoped it was nice. All the stallions in this barn were overbearing and rude.

ash stomped his foot in the trailer as they pulled into a nice barn he felt the truck jolt to a stop he set back slightly to regain Balancebefore the back door opened and he was untied and led out he jumped over the ramp and out of the trailer giving the humans a shock before they led him and put him in the stall across from Illusion

Illusion, Standing at her door with ears pricked, watched the whole thing. impressive she thought. Then he got led to the stall across from her. hmm.... Well mannered. The human patted him and unhooked the leadrope from his halter. She could tell that he was slightly confused, so she said. "they take us out to pasture during the day. They will be back later, thats why they left your halter on."

ash watched as they left his halter on he looked around confused before the mare spoke "thank you this makes a bit more sense now" he said before taking a drink of water and sticking his head out the door as the human came and wrote 'ash' on the chalk bord hanging on his stall

"glad i could be of help." She smiled " I like your name."

he nodded "again thanks" he said looking over as a new human came and took him out cliping him to the cross ties and brushing him then putting on a fly sheet and fly spray before turning him out and doing the same with illusion

(or we could say she recently lost her foal so she would still have milk....) She and Ash got turned out into the pasture. The first thing she did was roll. It was a but uncomfortable, she was waiting for her body to decide it was time to have her foal. She stood and shook off, watching Ash. impressive Edited at May 2, 2024 11:32 AM by Panther PONs