
(Ok) grace walked around and noticed the strange wolf and sage running. "Where do you think your going" grace asked. Grace realised it was almost the full moon. "What are you a ware wolf?" She asked jokingly.

Sage practically lept out of his skin when he heard her voice and then gave her a sheepish smile. Then yelped "no" but then just shrugged. "couldn't sleep. Bad dreams,"
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grace wasn't buying it. "You are. And you know what bit Chloe" she said as she watched him closely.
chloe stood up having no luck. She walked out leading whiskey. "Stop pestering the poor boy." She said as she walked past half hearing grace call him a werewolf. "And don't be stupid grace" Chloe decided to hop on and ride whiskey off. She searched up ware wolf bites and one matched up perfectly with her bite. She panicked and rode back. She jumped off and went inside got her locked notebook and a pen. She started to walk to the stable but forgot about whiskey who was standing there patiently. "Cmon boy" she untacked him and sat in his stall as he ate. She kept researching and wrote everything down.

Sage couldn't help but shift uncomfortably when grace said he was in fact a were wolf. Did she suspect something? What if she told someone? He threw a grateful glance at Chloe when she told her sister to leave him alone and then practically fled back to the barns and Chaos's stall, letting out a shaky breath he'd been holding and sinking to the floor. Oh, man ....this was an awful time for a full moon to be tomorrow night. He'd have to be careful
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grace went inside her cabin and pondered over how she could use sages secret against him. she noticed it was getting late and fell asleep. chloe kept reserching and had fallen asleep in the bottom of whiskeys stall. she heard the voice again " shut up" she mumbled. she hadn't locked or shut her journal.

Sage stayed by chaos, really quite worried about it all. He didn't trust grace, not at all...she was already forcing him into a lot of things, and was an awful human being, so he really wouldn't put much past her. He stayed there all night, before dragging himself out of the stall to start work. The longer the day stretched on, the more worried and jumpy he became ...it was a full moon tonight, and he was definitely nervous.
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Chloe woke up hitting her head on the feed bucket. She heard a strange noise and covered her ears but it didn't help. Then came the voice. "Come into the woods as the full moon comes up" chlo listened before asking. "If I do will you stop talking while I'm trying to sleep". She then fed her 4 horses in this order. Bolt, Pippa, spark, whiskey. After feeding whiskey she continued to research:

Sage sort of just tried to keep himself busy for as long as he possibly could. Though, when the sun had started to set, he knew he'd have to get as far away from the place as possible...no one could hear his screams, they'd hurt him worse than morphing did. They'd torture him, and possibly kill him, though there were worse things than death sometimes. He'd seen what people could do to were wolves, and it wasn't pretty. So, he ran down the trail for a while before slowing to a walk when he started to get dizzy. Oh..yeah..he never got to eat more than a few berries last night. That would be a bit of an issue. Oh well.
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Chloe stopped researching and closed her book. She then started to do what the voice told her and walked into the woods. She still had her phone with her. The voice told her to go deep in the forest. She did. Chloe was getting nervous. She turned to her left and saw a pale looking creature. It was eating something. The voice said vamp. Chloe was confused "vamp?" She mumbled. 'Vampire' the voice told her. Chloe felt her heart pounding. She backed up a bit and the creature turned.

Sage sprinted along the path until he couldn't any more, and then walked as far as he could too before having to stop. He slid to the ground, and paled slightly when he noticed he wasn't far enough away to be out of earshot. He tried to stand again but couldn't...so he tried crawling along as best he could, though he could feel the moon about to rise, and the feeling was not pleasant on the least
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