
(youre good) Cowgirl followed, embarrassed such a thing had spiked an episode. Guzzling the water thankfully. Finishing she looked across the pond and froze.

hunter followed her gaze as she froze his mismatched eyes growing wide " run" he said before launching across the water at breathtaking speed when he told cowgirl he was born in shadow herd he was lieing he was born in a abusive race horse breeding and training center at 5 months he was taken from his mother put in a field till her was a yearling were they started to put him on a tredmill to run they would run him for hours when he turned two the put him on the track if he acted out in any way he was whiped at three he jumped the fence and ran they looked for him for years knnowing he was faster thenWinning Brew. the racehorse that holds the Guinness world record for the fastest quarter-mile time and is known as the fastest horse in the world he took up mares that were abused by herds or other humans he was the lost race horse Hunting Dreams Of Coal

( also hunter looks like this now click ) 

(damn. Hes pretty) Cowgirl whipped around and ran as fast as she could back to the herd. Surprisingly, her sleek legs could MOVE! She got to them panting, and looked behind her, hoping Hunter was coming soon. Turning to Winter, she said "winter, i saw a human across the pond and then Hunter took after it and told me to come here!" She looked worried

hunter reared as he reached dry land giving the human quite a spook it shrieked before trying to take a picture of hunter to see who lost there horse then it ran away as hunter truged back through the water _____________________________ winters head shot up as she heard what cowgirl said she turned " sky take the herd as far south as we can go" she told her before loping off the way cowgirl came from her life was the same as her brothers she is a full sister to him born when he was a yearling trained all the same but she didnt get out of the program till she was four so she was ran on the track till she was half way dead being slower then her brother they were going to run her then breed her she was bred once before she ran and didnt look back _____________________________ sky picked up her head as she was gaven an order before rounding up the herd "lets go" she said before troting off south from the way she speaks walk trots and lopes all the horses could tell she was a cart horse likely from england even her sleek black coat long mane and tail were dead give aways she wasnt abused but probaly slowed down from old age and was smugled out of the country then abandoned out in the wild to live or die she is a pure bred Friesian and never really under stood why they didnt keep her but she likes this life

Cowgirl was torn between going with the herd and going to gelp the siblings if need be. She ended up following after Winter, and meeting up with them rushing yo follow the herd

hunter picked up his slick head as the two mares showed up before picking up a steady lope and going after the herd

She turned quickly as the siblings shared a look before running towards where the herd was headed. She was surprised. All of the running recently had fone her good. She stayed with the taller horses at a steady lope.

as they got to the herd winter took the lead and lead the horses south wile hunter took up the back staying behind the herd at a trot after about two hours of walking and troting the horses got to a huge field with no human sents for miles in the tall grass of the field there was a fresh water pond and three clusters of trees hunter walked to the pond and diped his head taking a short drink before walking up to dolly "stay close to one of us" he stated before walking up a hill and watching the herd

Cowgirl Nodded and started grazing. She was famished. They had ran all the was to the previous place, were there for not long, and then suddenly there was a human at the pond, so they ran here. Thankfully Hunter had said that there weren't any for a long ways, so she was not worried. After eating she layed down to sun, but couldn't sleep. So she just layed there. Edited at April 25, 2024 12:02 PM by Panther PONs