
_______ Isabella Izzy smirked when Stone said he was worried "Aww you were worried about meeeeee?" She teased playfully before snorting "Well i got better at fighting since we were foals. But i'll make sure i'm always around to annoy you and Gem so don't worry" Isabella tried to remain serious but couldn't _______ Stormy The Silver black mare saw Isabella with 2 equines she didn't know, but she remembered seeing them at the edge of the herd so she didn't think too much into it, she walked up the hill to see the lead mare "Hey Midnight! What's going on with you and Allez?" Stormy asked acting nosey before laughing _________ Remy Remy finally arrived at the herd, she scanned for the leaders when she saw Isabella talking to two identical horses, Remy knew they weren't meant to be here so she walked over like a police officer "Hello Isabella, who are these two?" She asked glaring at the Perlino mare and stallion making sure they weren't dangerous _________ Isabella She looked at Remy as she approached and asked who they were "Oh, Remy. Heyo! These are some friends of mine. We are from the same herd, and before you intimidate them, they are NOT dangers" Isabella knew Remy's tactics Edited at August 7, 2024 10:43 PM by Hyrule_Stables

Stone chuckled, "Yes we were worried." he said in a teasing tone. Gem giggled

_________ Isabella The mare released a chuckle with them "Well, no need to be guys. So, are you two gonna stay?" She asked

"I think so" Stone said, shifting his weight ever so slightly closer to Izzy. Gem noticed this tiny detail and flicked her tail

________ Isabella Isabella's face lit up at Stone's response "Really?! Yay!" She squeaked nuzzling his neck then nuzzling Gem's neck contently "Even if you two left, i'd be like you guys's bad smell and follow you around" She admitted proudly

Stone stood taller at Isabellas touch. He grinned "Yeah. Guilty is charged" he said, flicking his tail against her side. Gem trotted in a circle, her head tossing happily

____ Isabella She laughed "Hooray!" She leapt over Gem's back and pranced circles around the two "Well i know how kind the leaders are, they'll for sure let you both in! But we don't need to ask yet, i think they're busy" She said in a soft voice switching between trot and canter around them

Stone kept his eyes glued to Isabella, but Gem got distracted and followed a butterfly a few feet away

Isabella slowed to a walk and reined herself back in, she smirked at Gem following a butterfly, it was so cute. She looked at Stone "So, i'm surprised you and Gem don't have your own herd yet" She said with a small chuckle at the end

(I love rp's :'D I could cry lol sorry i'm just in a good mood haha)