Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Fall   
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Thu 02:32am  
Stables Online:  45 
Hot 2 Trot
02:22:59 ♡Holly♡
02:06:55 Loony :)
Hi all i have a question if you think you can help please PM me :)
01:32:53 Ceci / (Call me) AL
Third week of april
Carmack Elites
01:31:23 Carjack/Adele
Is the next capture party in April?
12:57:21 Ru
Eh, two more weeks until W6 comes. Quiet times
Cadence Farms
12:49:14 evebot
First you need a round pen. ;)
Burokin Stables
Does anybody know how to train useing round pens?
Glacier Bay Cove
12:42:08 Glacier cats
And can PM me, helping me with that
Glacier Bay Cove
12:41:37 Glacier cats
Wondering if anyone knows how to open a shop for adopts
Fantasy Horses
12:25:41 Fantasy

MC Ace
12:24:10 McFossil
This hurts my soul

-HEE Click-
Fantasy Horses
12:19:05 Fantasy

Can I steal her O.O
Greenheart Stables
11:55:00 Green|Gren|Grenlin
-HEE Click-
And no sabi <3
RFS Thoroughbreds
11:47:23 Fern/🌮
eh, good luck though
Sinister Ranch
11:46:21 SINN~ ISH/SH Breeder
-HEE Click-

I did good on this foal for a EWE
11:45:54 The CIA / CIA /
How... HOW do i do it?!?!?!?!
11:45:43 The CIA / CIA /
RFS Thoroughbreds
11:41:56 Fern/🌮
yup, all because you logged on and called me a taco lol
nope its just []
11:40:01 The CIA / CIA /
Is my burrito popping up?
11:37:20 The CIA / CIA /
it was the devil's horns, now a taco XD

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
Hot 2 Trot
02:22:59 ♡Holly♡
02:06:55 Loony :)
Hi all i have a question if you think you can help please PM me :)
01:32:53 Ceci / (Call me) AL
Third week of april
Carmack Elites
01:31:23 Carjack/Adele
Is the next capture party in April?
12:57:21 Ru
Eh, two more weeks until W6 comes. Quiet times
Cadence Farms
12:49:14 evebot
First you need a round pen. ;)
Burokin Stables
Does anybody know how to train useing round pens?
Glacier Bay Cove
12:42:08 Glacier cats
And can PM me, helping me with that
Glacier Bay Cove
12:41:37 Glacier cats
Wondering if anyone knows how to open a shop for adopts
Fantasy Horses
12:25:41 Fantasy

MC Ace
12:24:10 McFossil
This hurts my soul

-HEE Click-
Fantasy Horses
12:19:05 Fantasy

Can I steal her O.O
Greenheart Stables
11:55:00 Green|Gren|Grenlin
-HEE Click-
And no sabi <3
RFS Thoroughbreds
11:47:23 Fern/🌮
eh, good luck though
Sinister Ranch
11:46:21 SINN~ ISH/SH Breeder
-HEE Click-

I did good on this foal for a EWE
11:45:54 The CIA / CIA /
How... HOW do i do it?!?!?!?!
11:45:43 The CIA / CIA /
RFS Thoroughbreds
11:41:56 Fern/🌮
yup, all because you logged on and called me a taco lol
nope its just []
11:40:01 The CIA / CIA /
Is my burrito popping up?
11:37:20 The CIA / CIA /
it was the devil's horns, now a taco XD

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than 1 day before you can use our chatbox.



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Foal herd RP! June 2, 2024 02:26 AM

Dandelion Farms
Posts: 4259
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"Were 8 months too" Gem said, slowly opening up a little more. Stone nodded happily. He watched Isabella with a grin. He was really starting to like her personality
Foal herd RP! June 2, 2024 06:39 AM

Posts: 2092
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Isabella's mouth dropped when Gem said they were 8 months too "No way! Really?" She asked getting excited "That's so cool! No wonder we get along so well!" She said with a bit of sarcasm, she looked at the two "Wanna play?" She asked happily
Foal herd RP! June 2, 2024 09:00 AM

Posts: 2092
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(yet a new character sheet! But my last)
Name: Nala
Age: 10 months
Gender: Filly (Damn mine are all fillies just realized that 😂)
Personality: Outgoing, protective, fast runner, fiercely independent, harder to scare, nice
Height: 13.1hh
Crush: No one
Nala trotted through the forest, scared, her mother just got ripped to shreds in front of her. She ran away, about thirty minutes until she got too tired so she kept trotting, the sun hitting her golden coat through the trees and causing it to glow. Her ears swiveling as she tried to listen for predators, her cheeks stained from the tears. Nala was getting hungry due to traveling so much, and so she sniffed about for food

Edited at June 2, 2024 09:10 AM by Hyrule_Stables
Foal herd RP! June 2, 2024 08:08 PM

Posts: 2092
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As Nala searched for something to eat she heard voices, she cautiously drew closer till she was behind a tree looking into a small clearing, a herd of.... Foals? Nala was unsure of what to do or say so she waited in her place, her left ear pricked back listening, she heard the hungry distant howls of the predators who killed her mother. With the fear of them catching up with her Nala jumped out in full view of the foals "Everyone! There are wolves close by! You all need to run!" Nala warned glaring in fear at everyone before charging through at a gallop
__________ Willow
Willow got up as a new foal came out of the woods in a panic, her body froze at the golden filly's words, and her heart began to race, she looked at Sapphire and Whinnied out to her "Sapphire, come with me!" She called anxiously glancing back at the filly as she ran past her. She turned and ran to Tex and Starlight "Guys did you hear that!? We need to run!" She said frightened turning and going to Lismore "Lismore! What do we do!? Do we run?" She asked, fear creeping in more when she heard noises
_______________ Starlight
The dark speckled filly was still trying to cheer up Tex when a gold filly came out of the woods scared and warned them before running through, she glanced at Tex "Is this a prank?" She asked not letting fear take over. She looked at Willow as she told them "But how do we know for certain?" She said shaking her head "For all we know that filly might be just trying to scare us into running for no reason" She explained looking in the direction the filly had run
_____________ Isabella
She still couldn't get over the fact Stone and Gem were the same age as her! She played a little with them but tensed when she heard the warning, watching Willow and Sapphire being frantic she turned her gaze to the twins "P-Predators...? Maybe we should run" Isabella said shaking her head glancing at Gem and Stone before turning and starting off "We should stay as close to the herd as possible" She said as calmly as she could half waiting for Lis half already cantering away
Foal herd RP! June 2, 2024 08:22 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12337
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Tex stared at the sky for a couple seconds before deciding to try and treat his wounds. He found some marigold and put it on the best he could, but his sides still stung. As Starlight approached he brightened just slightly. "Yeah- yeah, I'm fine. I get why Lismore wouldn't just want to let me in." He said quietly, his audits pricking slightly towards the lead colt and another colt (Stone) and a filly (Gem) that had just approached. He overheard the words and snorted quietly. "Well of course they get to get in, but I'm untrustworthy." He mumbled. "Nevetmind, I don't understand anymore. If I had a sister I was trying to protect would they just- let me in? No strings attatched?" Looking slightly offended, he stomped a hoof. When a filly jumped out of the woods and Willow started shrieking like a banshee, Tex lifted his cranium fully, orbs alert, not moving. "It-" He started to answer, then stopped, cantering to the edge of the woods. His small audits picked up the sounds of howling, a ways away but closing in. "This is no prank. There are wolves." He called as he cantered swiftly back to the herd, not scared in any means, as he didn't really belong anywhere and didn't have too much value for his life. Happiness. Also, because he was a really brave and kinda stupid colt. "We need to move the herd away! Now!"
Foal herd RP! June 2, 2024 09:45 PM

Dandelion Farms
Posts: 4259
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Saphire jumped to her hooves, cantering over to Willow. "What's happening!?" She asked. She could hear something but she didn't understand what
Stone stood still, his eyes darting over to the colt (Tex) and Gem. Without a word he galloped over to the Colt as he yelled orders. "What should I do to help?" He asked, his head high.
Gem shrieked and cantered after Stone. She couldn't leave his side. Her eyes examined the colt she had seen earlier before going back to her brother. "Go now!" Stone yelled to Gem but she didn't listen for once. "Go Gem! Now!" She shook her head. "No! Not without you Stone!" She cried then screamed when a wolf broke through the trees, three more hot in his tail.
Foal herd RP! June 3, 2024 03:38 AM

Posts: 2092
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Willow used her muzzle to shove Sapphire's butt to make her move forward "There's predators!" She squealed in fear cantering away when the wolf came out, she felt bad for leaving Tex, Isabella, Starlight, Stone and Gem. But she had to save herself and her sister "Follow me!" She said in a fit as she bounded away into the thicket
_________ Nala
The filly didn't stop, she hoped the foal herd had taken her warning and ran. She continued Galloping for her life
_________ Isabella
Isi turned and started to run in the same direction as Willow and Sapphire, but when she looked back and saw her new friends weren't running for their lives she felt bad for leaving and returned, skidding to a stop next to Gem "Guys we really need to go-AAAHH!" Isabella shrieked with Gem as the wolf came running out from the woods, snarling, growling, barking and all, Isabella backed up and tripped backwards on her side as she watched more wolves emerge
__________________ Starlight
Starlight's ears pinned back when Tex went near the trees and confirmed the sounds "Uh-Oh" She mumbled wishing she wasn't so sceptical, she backed up waiting for the others. Then the wolves came out and went straight for Tex, Stone, Gem and Isabella, in the moment all the fear Starlight felt had completely disappeared, she pawed the ground and pinned her ears flat against her head, she bared her tiny teeth and charged! The first wolf was just about to catch Gem and Isabella, but Starlight rammed it from the side, knocking it over. She stood protectively in front of the four and reared, throwing her hooves at the second one, she got shoved down by the third, but used her hind legs to ward it off long enough for her to get up, she threw a powerful back kick hitting the wolf in the face, turning it's left eye blind. Starlight turned and jerked her head to the others "Go! Get out of here!" She demanded before letting out a loud and painful shrieking whinny as the hidden fourth wolf bit her back right leg, tearing her down to the ground by it, Starlight screamed and made grunting noises as she desperately kicked at it with her working left leg and front legs
__________ Isabella
As soon as Starlight took down the first wolf Isabella scrambled to her feet "Gem we need to get out of here!" She nudged the filly's neck than looked at the colts while Starlight was still fighting them "She's buying us time" She urged, she didn't wait any longer, Isabella skidded off quick and disappeared into the brush. As she ran getting further and further away from the clearing she heard Starlight's shrieks, She didn't want to leave... But at the same time she didn't want to die so she hid deep in the thicket and waited nervously for Starlight

Edited at June 3, 2024 03:57 AM by Hyrule_Stables
Foal herd RP! June 3, 2024 03:52 AM

Aussie Stables
Posts: 1434
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Tiger saw the wolves are ran forward. He knocked two over and tried to protect his new herdmates but there were too many, he hoped that the others would help him.
Foal herd RP! June 3, 2024 08:55 AM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12337
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Everything was a quick blur, but in horror he watched as Starlight rushed out to meet the wolves head on. His body seemed frozen in place, but not from fear of being hurt- from fear others would be hurt. As Starlight shrieked in pain he launched forward, using his taller, more muscular frame to kick the wolf away. His teeth bared and audits pinned, he didn't let any of them get anywhere near Starlight for a second. "Can you run? Just go- as fast as you can. I won't let them get to you-" He said through panting breaths, kicking a wolf in the jaw with his sharp hooves before spinning away from snapping teeth. More teeth grazed his side, and he felt blood trickle down the wounds that had been re-opened, but he didn't care. He wasn't going to leave Starlight. She was pretty much the only foal here to show him any liking and trust, besides Willow. He was going to repay that kindness if at all possible.
Foal herd RP! June 3, 2024 10:49 AM

Posts: 2092
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Starlight bared her teeth in both anger and pain towards the wolf who had a latch when suddenly her leg bite felt pressure relief, from Tex kicking the wolf away. She staggered to her hooves testing her back right leg by gently tapping the ground with it, and it HURT. She held it slightly off the ground, hiding her pain and slightly growing fear as she bared her teeth to the wolves Tex was keeping back. She nodded "Maybe not run, but I'm quick" Starlight said through clenched teeth, her eyes narrowed when Tex told her to go "But-" She paused for a split second looking around, realizing she'd only cause them all to get eaten if she stayed to help she nodded "Okay... Be careful! And run once you get the chance!" She cried as she started mounding towards the clearest exit, shooting Stone a quick *Help him!* Glare. Starlight weaved through the trees as quickly as she could with three legs, distancing the leaves so that if a wolf followed it would take longer for them to sniff her out, she looked around desperately trying to locate one of her herd mates when she noticed Isabella hiding a little further out "Agh... Isi? Can you help me?" She asked wincing when she accidentally stepped on her right leg
________ Isabella
The pinto filly waited nervously hoping the others weren't too far behind, she jumped when she heard her name, she glared at Starlight in shock "Starlight...? Starlight! What happened?" She asked loping over to her friends side and letting Starlight lean on her as she slowly trotted forward "I- I'm sorry I didn't help" She apologized sadly trying not to look at the blood on Starlight's leg, she was spooky when it came to gory stuff
_________ Starlight
Starlight leaned on Isabella and started trotting forward "I got caught.. But I'm okay, I'm worried about Stone and Tex" She explained in a shaky tone from the rocky movement, she shook her head "No, don't apologize. It's fine, I was protecting you and that filly" Starlight said quietly, they soon got to a cave, it was pretty deep "We should hide here till it's safe to come out" Starlight suggested.
______ Isabella
The filly nodded slowly as she helped get Starlight inside the cave, she stood by the entrance hoping to see Oak or the brindle twins, or Stone

Edited at June 3, 2024 10:54 AM by Hyrule_Stables

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