The vet went from horse to horse, inspecting each one. She inspected Mars' eyes and hooves, checking how his health was doing. "Mars is growing well, despite his size. He is still a bit small for a shetland" she tells them, moving onto Athena. "Athena is still slim, so some pellets could do her good" She tells them as she moves onto Riot. "Riot's doing fine" she says. She then goes to Rebel, who was defiant and gave her some struggle. "Rebel's acting like a herd stallion, typical of him." she comments, "He seems healthy though" she adds. When inspecting Evie, she notes that she has gained some weight. "I think Evie may be pregnant, I'll have to do an ultrasound test just to be sure though" the vet tells them. After doing the ultrasound, the vet announces. "Congrats! Evie's pregnant!". "though the father would have to be determined after the foal's born through a paternity test if you guys want to be completely sure about the father of the foal" She adds.
Liam thought for a second, "How did she get pregnant?" he thinks out loud. They always kept the stallions and mares seperate, well at least from his memory.

"Maybe one of the volunteers let them out by mistake? Evie looks a lot like Aries, one of the schooling horses?"
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"That's true. Who was she let out with though?"
Elaine was brushing Rose and Ruby, humming quietly. She was over joyed at seeing the little filly peaking her head just over the bars of the stall. Elaine then took Rose and Ruby, leading them into the round pen. She lundged Rose, Ruby following alongisde her mother.

Full Name: Jack Luque (Luke) Nickname(Optional): J Gender: Male Age: 19 Skin - light tan Build - muscular, 6'2.5" Hair - brown Eyes - brown with blue flecks Tattoos - his horse's name Piercings - none Personality: Jack compassionate and funny.He's also very locked in when asked to work or protect someone Parents/Family: Marcus Luque [Father] Lori Luque [Mother] Riley Luque [Sister] Significant Other: tbd Crush: tbd Backstory: Jack was born into a family buisness ranch. A dream. He has always been wantd by the ranch hand girls and even his cousins, but he always said no. He's looking for the perfect girl. He was gifted his horse at age 9 as a foal, and Jack has trained him and gone to world championships since then for sorting and cutting comps. Equine Registered Name: CH Covetted Treasure Barn Name/Nickname: Treasure, bubby Age: 12 Gender: Stallion Breed: Pure Quarter horse, grulla Appearance (Please add a reference!): HORSE Personality: determined, loves to please Jack, is flirty because is used as stud. Edited at November 3, 2024 03:10 PM by Blue Diamond
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Elaine led the mare and her foal back into the stall, refilling their water and closing the latch. She then wiped her brow before going and checking on Artemis and Grace. Giving Grace a kiss on her nose, She opens the stall and put her halter on. She then led the dappled mare out. She tacked up and led her towards the trails.

Jack pulled into the rescue's driveway, already familiar with it's location. He checked the goose-cam, a camera he had installed into the trailer in order to look at his boy. Safe and sound. Once parked, he put Treasure into his usual boarding stall, and went to find the manager, Katie. Spotting them talking to Dr.Fiddes, he approached the man and spoke, "Hello. I'm Jack. One of the new volunteers."
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Elaine kicked Grace gently with her foot, urging her into a slow trot. She then turned her to the right when they arrived at a crosssection. After circling around the trail, they arrived back at the entrance. The trail was one that looped.

"Hello again, Jack." Katie said "You can go to your room in the cabins, but i'm thinking of combinding the 2, as there are only 3 volunteers. The new cabin is on the left. Go there. There is the third bedroom at the end, that one is yours. Thank you for coming at such a short notice, Jack." "It's nothing, really. When may I meet the others?" He asked, excited. "Tonight 11pm at the latest. That is curfew." She said. Jack odded to the couple and walked off to go on a trail ride. He would unpack later. As he approached the barn, he heard a shrill stallion whistle. He took off runnning down the aisle to his horse's stall, concerned as to why Treasure would be challenging another stallion. He had heard the sound from other stallions plenty, but never Treasure. Reching his stall, he realised why Treasure was so upset. He was flanked by other stallions. Good lord, treasure. Why can't you keep it in while we're here? He thought, annoyed at his horse. He clipped the lead to Treasure's leather at-home-halter, and led him next to an empty box stall at the other end of the aisle. He then walked to the tack box that said 'Jack And Traesure' on the top. He put the extra halters, leads, and boots (Both horse and human) into it. He hung up the saddle on the rack labeled 'Treasure' and put the bridle on the saddle's horn. He walked out, and saw a beautiful woman walking her horse toward the barn. Wow. He thought.
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