
Not hearing a reply, Hawk lets his ears fall some. Did he upset Silver or annoy him? He shook his head to clear away these throughts and instead goes and lays in a shady spot near by, resting his tired legs.
Silver rarely lays down he sleeps standing most of the time unless he's exhausted and can't stand anymore.

He glances towards Silver and watches him, wondering what he was thinking about. -He is quite handsome- he thinks -a nice build and color for a stallion.-
Silver lifts his head sniffing the air and looking around ears up and alert as silver scans the cliff edge.

Hawk notices Silver looking around and looking alert and tilts his head slightly, wondering what he heard or smelled.
Silver gives a nicker of alarm and heads towards a cave to hide in.

Hawk stumbles to his hooves and steadies himself and gallops after Silver. He looked around as he ran, wondering what had startled Silver.
Silver looks out from the cave hidden behind the brush and watches as a man rides by on his tame horse.

He ducks into the cave a few moments before the man rides by again. "You must be really popular to the humans," he whispers to Silver as he perks his ears up and hears the man's horse's steps fade away.
Silver looks at hawk with a look that seems to say have you seen me? isn't it obvious i'd be a target?