
Ranger glanced back at the lead mare before carefully stepping out of the water, shaking his pelt and his mane so he wasn't as dripping. He then glanced around before lifting his brown head, his silver mane almost shining in the sunlight
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Mini trotted out of the water. She looked around then at Ranger "ok mister. What's next?"

The sun started to set and angel decided to go back. She had been gone all day. Just as she started heading back she felt a burning on her neck. She reared and tried to gallop off but the rope tightened. Angel was scared confused and alone. She did the only thing she could think of and nickered out. Hoping someone had heard her call for help she kept fighting with all her might

Mini dropped to the ground and rolled when she heard the frantic call of a horse. She lifted her head then her body and trotted in the direction of the call. She cantered as the calls continued. When she came upon the mare from before, she stopped and bit the rope off, kicking the person holding it. She then nipped at the mare's hind, encouraging her to move and fast. Mini bucked at the human but more came. She kicked and reared but soon they started throwing ropes on her too. One wrapped around her front leg, another on her back and two more caught her neck. She pulled with all her might but they wouldn't let go.

Angel did not know this mare but she couldn't let her be caught. She reared up and started kicking at the humans horse which caused the other men to let mini go and focused on her. "Run. Keep the herd safe I'll be back shortly" she said as the humans started tugging on her ropes

Mini kicked the rest of the humans before taking off in the other direction, back to the herd. -keep the herd safe!? But!?- she thought as she ran faster. "Ranger can help" she whispered to herself.

Mini kicked the rest of the humans before taking off in the other direction, back to the herd. -keep the herd safe!? But!?- she thought as she ran faster. "Ranger can help" she whispered to herself.

The humans lead angel to their camp and put her in a pasture. She cantered around the fence line agitated.

Ranger looked a little confused as Mini ran off, water still clogging his ears. He shook his head and paused, not hearing anything... until Mini came running back full of ropes. Ranger's eyes lit up with an angry fire, and he looked at Mini before dashing off in the direction she came. Angel hadn't been back, and he could only have guessed what happened. Ranger lifted his legs high over the tall grass as he streaked through the plains, his pelt glinting in the sun and his muscles powering him towards what looked to be a human camp. He slowed his breakneck speed when he got closer, his hooves silent on the soft ground. Ranger pricked his ears and flared his nostrils, listening and trotting forward until he could see Angel. He was very careful to stay as far away from the camp as he could get, and mostly in the tree line, but crept up till he was right next to the fence
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Mini stopped and practically collapsed on the ground, shaking and trying to pull the ropes off of herself. She looked at the herd until she couldn't take it. She shook her head and bit at the ropes,trying her hardest to break these ones. -these ropes are thicker than the first ones... must have been a little kid...- Mini squeezed her eyes together. -a kid...- she pulled herself off the ground and walked around. She had to find that kid. She trotted in the direction of where they were attacked. She stopped and looked around, her ears flicking everywhere as her eyes scanned the area. A small movement caught her eye and she tossed her head. The kid stepped out from behind a tree and Mini took a step back, snorting and pawing at the ground. "Easy... easy... I found you... wow..." suddenly Mini remembered who this was... -Mike!- she stepped back more and snorted. He wasn't a little kid anymore! He was still young though. Mini reared and snorted. "Easy!" The boy took a second before taking a deep breath and sitting on the ground. Mini pricked her ears on his direction. He played in the dirt and Mini slowly took a step forward, her head dropping close to the ground. She sniffed the dirt and put her head right next to him. "Hey there" he whispered. He put a soft hand on her neck and Mini flinched, pulling her head back slightly. He whispered a little and Mini relaxed. She hadn't seen Mike in years... he slowly loosened the ropes and took them off. Mini raised her head and nuzzled him softly before she stepped back. "Go" he said and she stood there, puzzled. "You shouldn't be here! Go! I know you remember that! GO!" He stood up and pushed her. Mini did remember... but she didn't want to go. "Your not safe here! Go! Now!" He waved his arms and she flicked her tail. She heard something deep in the forest and she turned and flicked her tail, trotting away. She turned to look at Mike before flicking her tail and galloping back to the stream.