
∼Ez∼ Ez was eating and watching the herd at the same time, he made sure no one is fighting or bullying anyone ∼Auri∼ Auri wandered further from the herd, he was bored, "everyday the same things repeating themselves, why can't anything exiting happen?" he thought himself, he likes his life as it is, but recently he has wanted to just leave and explore new thigns, life has became boring ∼Midas∼ Midas trotted around her mother, she was full of energy, when she decided she isn't getting enough attention she trotted away
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(Winter is it ok if i change rp caracters?)

Golden Heart said: (Winter is it ok if i change rp caracters?) (What do you mean? )
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(Is it ok to Switch lana for different horse?)

(if you haven't played on her, then it should be ok :) )
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Midnight canter up to Ez, nuzzling him, Her stomach stretching big over her unborn foal.
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Meanwhile Whims was getting a drink by the creek lounging quietly waiting if anybody called for her assistance.
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(Little bit drama for the start? ;) ) ∼Ez∼ Ez was thirsty, he checked he didn't see anything suspicious and went to the lake to drink, suddenly he felt there is a danger near by, he trotted back to the herd. ∼Auri∼ Auri didn't notice he was walking into the forest, his head was just empty, he just walked, and kept going until he realized he was in the middle of the forest, he looked around, he hadn't ever been there alone, and now he wasn't sure wich direction he came from, was he lost? ∼Midas∼ Midas was running around the herd, trying to get attention, but no one gave it to her. She was pissed off and wanted revenge to everyone, 'cause they were just ignoring her, so she wanted to do something forbidden but what?
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Midnight asked Ez "Is everything ok? You seem worried?" she grimaced as her unborn foal kicked her in the rib.
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∼Ez∼ "It's nothing, I just...nothing...." Ez didn't want to make Midnight worried, he looked around, "Where's Auri?"
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