
(This is so fun!!) - Lily walked along the shore until the horizon turned a flaming red and pink, signaling the sun to rise and the moon to set. She went back to sleeping, but only 10 minutes later she was awoken by a sound. A strange, creepy sound.

Yeah-) - West opened his eyes as the sun started to rise, the dim light shining on his back. He gazed up into the sky, flicking his tail occasionally.
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In front of her stood an aligator. AN ALIGATOR! What is a aligator doing here? she thought, panicked.

West flicked his ears. He decided to walk along the shore line and see what Lilymwas up to... but then he remembered she had wanted a little alone time. -She will come back when she wants- he thought, contended to stay where he was
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(That's fine, chat with ya later!)
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Lily scrambled to her feet, neighing in fright. She bucked, kicking the aligator squarely in the jaw. It rebounded, and bit at her leg. Lily screamed and kicked until she saw an opening and took it, charging through and away from the terrifiying creature.

West jolted upright as he heard a frightened whinny, then a scream. He kicked it into high gear and ran towards the beach, spraying up sand. When he saw Lily and an alligator his eyes widened. "Lily!" West exclaimed, looking at the mare
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Lily glanced at West. "Help me!" She cried.

West ran in and looked at the alligator. It was big... but there were special ways to fight one. He ran in a circle around it till it looked confused, then darted in on its side and reared, kicking its back. West than ran away, out of its reach. While it was distracted with him he hollered, "GO" to Lily. He then ran in a circle again, and kicked uts other side. The blundering animal was confused now... so it slid back into the water and disappeared.
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