
Chloe had calmed down and was kind of patting sage. Chloe knew that if grace found out she would do something bad. grace- Grace paced around she hadn't seen sage or Chloe since they went into the woods. Was Chloe a ware wolf to? Grace wondered. She went to bed and slept through the night

Sage was alright with her petting him...he didn't mind her touch. She was gentle, and warm, and he could trust her. So he sort of just wanted happily until he fell asleep for a bit. It was a light sleep and it was interrupted by him morphing back into a human as the sun rose, but once that was over he fell into a much deeper sleep. Morphing took a lot of energy, and the only thing he'd ingested was the deer she'd just given him and a few beers or glasses of water here and there
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chloe had fallen asleep and woken up to the noise of her trap going off. she slowly got up to go check it. she saw a strange animal. she took a photo of it and went and got an old bow and arrow she had carved and hidden. she knew a wild horsee that lived in the forest, she wistled to the stallion (phantom). phantom came galloping up. he bowed down so chloe could get on. they went and shot sone more deer for sage. the pantom realised that chloe couldnt carry them all. he took her to the old sleigh she made. chloe strapped it on the stallion and got the deer. they then went back to the cabin.

Sage had slept for a few hours after he'd changed back into a human. Eventually, he woke up with a slight groan and looked around blearily. He noticed Chloe still there, along with a bunch of deer. "The hell did you get those," he mumbled, still very tired. He winced as he sat up. The pain of morphing lingered for a few days, and he was very sore. But he should probably at least thank her for not turning him in.
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Chloe stroked phantoms neck. "What can I say, I'm good with a bow" she said. She continued to tend to phantom who was excited to be galloping around with Chloe again. grace- crace had woken up and made someone tack up bolt. They rode until they saw the cabin. "What are you doing here with my boyfriend?" She asked. Grace saw the deer and wondered what Chloe had done

Sage hummed slightly and nodded. He was about to ask why she hadn't turned him in when grace rode up. He winced slightly and then grunted. "we were hunting," he lied, not wanting tell her the truth. She'd Definitely turn him in. Especially if it meant extra cash.
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Grace looked at sage, she knew he was lying. "I'll make you a deal. You become my pet and I won't turn you in" she said a smug look on her face. " and I also get that silver dapple grey stallion over there" she gestured at phantom. chloe- chloe looked pissed as she saw grace on bolt. " you won't be doing anything." She told her stupid sister. Sage hadn't done anything. He was with her the whole time. Chloe then patted phantom as grace demanded the wild stallion. "Can't have him, he's wild" Chloe said trying not to smile at her stepsister's stupidity

Sage winced slightly at graces comment, a light blush coming to his face. He wasn't a pet...but he also didn't really have a choice. If she wanted him as a pet, that meant she had to at least keep him alive. Which meant better food and water than he had now. He shrugged when Chloe said the horse was wild. "that's true ...he isn't tame," he said. When she shot him a glare though, he lowered his gaze and sighed slightly before turning back into his wolf form and limping over to graces side, even more sore now.
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Chloe wasn't going to stand for it. "Sage here, grace your leaving in a week. And don't you think it's weird to date him and make him a pet." Chloe argured. Chloe had a friend in the fbi and could make grace seem crazy if she said anything. Phantom bowed down letting chloe get on. grace was pissed. "So what. And I thought he was 'wild' Remember" she said starting to ride bolt back

Sage looked over at Chloe hopefully, earss moving from their scared position to a more hopeful one. Though, he didn't move from Chloe's side...mostly out of fear of what she could do or say. His ears flattened again when grace spoke up, and when she didn't seem to care that she could date him and become his owner, he just trailed after grace slowly. Technically, grace could make him turn into a human when she wanted a boyfriend to kiss and..where else she wanted. But she'd still own him...she could make him do anything. And it was definitely scary.
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