
ghost tossed hes head an stomped at the ground darn flys

(Oh no not the damn flies! XD)

(eye roll) ghost whent to graze a little before check for the lion again

Phantom stood a little away from the herd still. He faced the other way because he didn't want to watch mystery and that other stallion ghost.

Mystery lowered her head and turned away, she went to the other side of the herd and just stood there thinking about random stuff

ghost walked up to mystery and gave her some oat that were left over he cocked his head to the side i think phantom is jelous of me he said thinking outloud

Phantom wandered further away again and still faced the other way.

Mystery smiled when Ghost brought her some oats "Thank you!" She said eating it, she laughed when Ghost said he thought Phantom was jealous"Nah no way, why would he be jealous?" She asked shaking her head

ghost shook his head as the stallion wandered away he lifted hes head and looked at the herd

Phantom looked down. He bent His head down and started grazing