
(Oh no Wild... Menace HAD a foal?! I take it wasn't... By her choice? Well he's a beautiful foal! You bred him yourself?) Mystery nodded at his wise words "Yeah, i guess that's a good way to look at things, you always see the silver lining!" Mystery nodded finishing her patch of grass and moving to another "I like how positive you are West, you're good for me. Yes i'm positive, but with most of my hopes being crushed growing up near that horrible stallion, i find that it's easy to bring me down, so i just bounce off your good energy!" Mystery said happily pawing the ground to relieve a itch in her hoof __________ Westery Westery nodded believing Luna Oh okay, good!" She noticed the mare kept looking at the herd "Oh no it's okay, everyone here is SUPER friendly! you don't have to worry" She took her turn to reassure Luna, she looked at ghost as he came over then looked at Luna "This here's Ghost! He's our protecter! Hey Ghost! What's up?" She asked the white stallion __________ California She nodded "Yeah, i can see things will turn out fine in the end, just stay hopeful!" She stated with a small chuckle, she nodded to Ghost "See anything out of the ordinary?" She asked

(Yeah he's actually West's foal. He'll grow up to be beautiful, I looked into the future xD but forgot to save the pic) (I'll add to this post in a while, gtg)
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Ghost nodded as Western and then turned to Cali "nope all good" he said with another nod

West stayed quiet for a couple moments, focusing on the grass to replenish his strength. Even with his added gusto he was still so.. tired. Always tired. It never seemed to go away anymore. But he couldn't dwell on that. At her words he smiled, feeling touched. "Thanks Mystery.. that means a lot. And you are very positive! But it is a good thing you will never have to worry about cruel stallions again... unless I get grumpy with old age." He joked with a small grin. "It is also a great thing that you are so kind and positive outwardly all the time or I would be a goner." He snorted quietly, shaking his mane slightly. He was starting to show signs of older age. His formerly black muzzle now had light grey hairs everywhere, almost like a beard BUT more like he got roan on his muzzle only. His withers were slight lighter, and the lines around his jaw showed lighter hair as well. The most prominent, however, was the *frosting* on his mane and tail. The tips of both were now a silvery color, which if you asked him wasn't all that horrible. +++ Toby nodded again, smiling faintly as he turned his gaze to the forest. "I'll talk to you later then, Cali." He dipped his head a goodbye and trotted back towards the main part of the herd to think. +++ Navy watched what was going on before turning her gaze to Ghost. She then looked back to Cali and spoke. "I'm going to go back to the herd, see you later." She said quietly, recognizing Cali might be busy, and walking back towards the herd. +++ (When is someone going to find West and Mystery!? Or when are they going to come back? I WANT A BIG DRAMATIC REUINION)
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(just gonna start posting solstice as hy-rule doesn't seem to care) Solstice wandred. She felt a deep dark lonliness in her heart. She had felt that way ever since her parents died. Walking a little further she saw a group of horses. *maybe they can help me* she thought
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No one can stay awake for long enough to reply xD
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