
the name Sodashi is a link! Psychedelic Shrooms said: Moshka, I think you have to fill out a form before joining

ghost saw the wolves his ears pinned back as he reared hid white coat standing out under the black night sky the wolves whent to run at him before they chose to run away from the 8 foot stallion knowing they would never win one of them chared at bella trying to get the mare ghost launched into a gallop slide stopping in frount of the wolf and rearing before his hoves hit the ground right by the wolves nose it turned and ran with its pack

Bella hadnt noticed the wolf charging at her but in a blur (ghost) a stallion had come and scared it off. She stood completely in shock unable to move. "ttt..hankkkyou" she stammered.
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Name-DeathCore Rank-Lead Stallion With- Open Deathcore shot up from his nap near Bella. In an instant he hoisted himself up and began running at the wolves that Ghost had ran after. After seeing Ghost save Bella from possibly being attacked Core let out a thankful whinny to Ghost. Core pinned his ears back and ran as fast as he could, catching up to the wolves quickly. He chased them for what seemed like miles, taking nips and kicking at them when he got close. They continued running until they were out of the territory. DeathCore stopped chasing them about two miles outside of the herd's territory. He reared and let out a powerful whinny before landing and flicking his tail, his ears still pinned in anger. "I will kill all of you myself if I have to" he snorted roughly. Core began galloping back to the herd, hoping none of the wolves had circled around back to them. Once Core got to the clearing where his herd was he sighed in relief as he didn't see or smell any wolves. His heart pounded as he re joined the herd. "Thank you, Ghost" he said before dipping his head to Bella. "Are you alright?!"

Bella looked up in astonishment and terror as Core chased the wolves away. It looked so scary but at least the wolves were gone. Realising she hadnt taken a breathe in a while, she breathed out and smiled towards core, "i'm alright, thanks for chasing them away". She shivered at the thought of someone being hurt from the wolves and looked around to check if everyone was alright. She saw Ghost, he looked a lot more anxious after the attack.
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Moshka said: hey guys, i'd like to join. heres my character Sodashi. would love to be filled in on what is going on so i can join, thanks!//
So far just a wild herd, DeathCore is the leader, just had a short wolf encounter. What our home kinda looks like (from what people are saying from rpxD) : Theres a river running through it trees surrounding the area, pretty clear space, odd boulders around the area)
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∴Core∴Lead Stallion∴With~Bella&Ghost "Of course, Bella. It's all of our job's to take care of each other. It's why we're a herd" he said in a friendly with his ears perked up toward her. "It was definitely enough excitement for one day, you can relax now you two" He said gesturing to Ghost as well. "It seems some of the rest of the herd are busy. Would you like to walk with me to get your mind off of those wolves?" He asked Bella, inviting anyone else who would like to join. "We could walk by the water fall, I know where there are some very sweet flowers this time of year" he said as he used his hoof to paw the coke ground.

She smiled at Core and finally felt safe again. She pranced around excited, "yes!" she exclaimed. Edited at March 22, 2024 08:36 PM by Hot 2 Trot.
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∴Core∴Lead Stallion∴With~Bella&Ghost Core let out a small laugh before flicking his tail and trotting in the direction of the water fall. "Well then, let's get a move on" he said happily. He began making his way there, continuing to take in the smells around them for any danger. It pleased him to smell nothing but sweet grass and his herd. He looked behind him to make sure Bella was coming with him. As they approached the top of the water fall Core looked down to the bottom (about 50 yards down) and let out a soft nicker. "There they are" he said as his eyes widened. At the bottom of the waterfall there were the smallest pink flowers, barely able to be seen from above. "If you haven't had these, you're missing out" he said with joy before making his way down to the bottom. He sniffed them on the ground before taking a small bite. He then pawed at the ground, offering Bella to try as well.

Bella followed Core down and looked at the strange but perfect flowers, she lowered her head and took a small nibble of one. "Its soooooooo good!" She took another mouthful and then took a sip from the fresh clear water, "woow this is an amazing place! thanks for showing me" she trotted around taking flowers in her mouth as she went along.
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