
Tex looked concerned. "Your leg isn't okay." He grumbled, then nodded. "I'm fine! Just. A couple scrapes!" He answered, hoping it didn't look as bad as it felt. "I wouldn't have left you- why didn't you just run?" He asked with a snort, then shook his head hard enough for his long mane to smack his face. "No, this isn't your fault. You did AMAZING, AND you got hurt. Give yourself some credit. If anything, blame me. I told you to leave." He stated stubbornly, nudging her neck. "You're welcome! And they're okay, I know it. All the rest ran before the wolves even got there. The new colt is tired, but okay, and his sister, the new filly, is fine, too. Everyone else will go back soon." He said confidently.
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Watching the foals interact and then the one he'd seen approach from the trees was coming his way. Standing still with only his brush of a tail swatting a flying bug away, he nodded his head a bit and flicking his ears he replied, "Hello...I'm okay" just then his tummy rumbled... "Just maybe hungry. I ran away from home but I forgot some of the stuff my parents and herd taught me." he whickered softly turning his head away slightly.

Gem gulped so Stone spoke up for her. "We're fine" he stood wearily and Gen followed. Stone walked toward where the other foals had gone. Gem quietly followed, knowing Stone was mad at her. "Why didn't you run when I told you to?" Gen lowered her head as she walked "cause you were hurt" she said. "I wasn't hurt when I told you to go. You could've been killed" he pinned his ears at her then sped up a little though he was hurt. "I don't care" Gem mumbled then cantered ahead of him, sliding into the cave. She bumped into Tex and the filly then fell. "Whoops" she whispered. Stone walked in a few seconds later, his ears still slightly pinned +++ Saphire walked up to the filly. "Hello there. Are you alright..?" She asked. She knew she was timid, but this filly seemed genuinely scared of everything. "I'm okay" the filly said softly and Saphire nodded.

Isabella's eyes watched warily as two dots came into view, she shook her tail happy to see them she ran out "Gem! Gem are you okay?" Isabella asked worriedly nudging Gem's shoulder, than looking at Stone "Stone are you okay?" She asked looking at the scratches he'd gotten Isabella lowered her head "I'm sorry for leaving... I thought you two were behind me... I should of come back to help" She said quietly ------------ Nala Nala smiled genuinely at this new colt "Oh, well I'm new too. Those wolves that just attacked? They killed my mother just a few minutes away" She said to Starshine sadly, than pointed her muzzle"Over there, there are some berries that you can eat since the herd ran away" She said before turning to two fillies "Oh yeah I'm okay, physically... Are you two alright?" She asked Sapphire __________ Starlight She looked down at her leg when Tex said it wasn't fine "Well it will be now that the marigold is on it, I just need to wash it tonight and I should be all set" She reassured the concerned colt. She shook her head "Mm-Mm! You're wounds look pretty deep. Anything I can do to help?" She asked pointing to the huge gash on his flank. She stood up again "Run? How could I? I saw Isi and Gem about to get teared to shreds and I reacted. I'm pretty fearless in most situations, and the thought of my friends getting hurt? Naaaaah Nope! I had to jump in, lucky I did in time otherwise Isabella's new Filly friend might not be here" She said standing her ground. Starlight turned her head to the side when he said it wasn't her fault "But if I had payed attention to them I would of been fine" She mumbled unhearably, she glanced at Tex as he nudged her "No! I won't blame you! If I stayed after you saved me? I would of only gotten you killed" She said matching his stubbornness, she took a step back and sighed, nodding "Yeah, hopefully they're waiting for us back in the clearing!" Starlight said confidently glancing back at him before looking around "So, the wolves are fully gone?" She asked "Or did one manage to crawl inside your wound to hide?" She joked, a shiver traveling up her spine at the creepy thought

Saphire, Gem and Stone all nodded at the same time. The fillies giggled and Stone rolled his eyes. "I think she's one for now" he said. "I'll be okay in a few days" his voice was cold because he really didn't care. He was tired. He walked away a few feet and laid down. Gem turned and looked at him for a minute before looking away.
Blinking Starshine shook his head and stepped over to where the berries were. nibbling on them he thought that perhaps listening to the older earlings had not been the wisest but he didn't want to admit defeat! Twitching his golden hide as he ate he was hoping the other foals would like him. He just wanted to meet new friends and learn more than what his parental herd expected of the lead pairs only colt. He thought a herd of foals would be awesome because they were smaller and could get where the bigger ones couldn't but then again he thought we are definitely a bit unprepared for those sharp teeth of wolves! Neighing quickly he backed up fast and tumbled onto his rump as a big black bumblebee flew at his muzzle going for a berry flower near his face!

Nala giggled at Starshine's reaction to the bumblebee "It's okay silly, it's just a big" she reassured him nudging him from behind to help him up "There's grass over there if you want it" She said walking over to where she was referring to _________ Isabella She watched Stone walk away, even his voice sounded different, she glanced a little shy at Gem "Is he okay?" She asked quietly so that Stone couldn't hear

Gem shook her head a little. "He's mad at me" was all she said. Saphire nuzzled Gem and Gems head shot up in surprise. Saphire stepped back then smiled a little. "It's okay. I won't hurt you. None of us will" she reassured her.

Tex snorted quietly, looking disbelieving but not saying anything. "No, I'm fine. Thanks, though." He smiled, widely, glad to finally feel like he was part of something. "I know. I understand that... I mean... mostly. I never really had close friends, but I get wanting to do whatever you can to save the ones you care about." He nodded, then cast a glare her way. "If I'm not allowed to feel bad for letting you get hurt and not moving sooner, then you're not allowed to feel bad." Tex huffed, stomping a hoof. "The wolves are gone, and yes, one is hiding in my wound ready to leap out at any moment. Oh- no- wait- I can feel it moving. Agh, goodbye Starlight-" his sarcastic voice faded away as he pretended to fall over. He righted himself with a grin and turned back to the rest, ready to go fond them.
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Gem turned to the sound of a foal falling over. It was the colt she had help earlier. She sighed and turned back to Saphire. "I'm okay though. I just need to talk to Stone" she walked away quickly then settled down next to her twin. "I'm sorry. Stop being mad at me please?" She begged. Stone stuck his nose in the air, his head tilted away from her. "Please?" She begged again. "Please Stone. Can't I try to protect you for once!?" Her voice was slowly rising higher and higher. She stood and backed away, the hurt in her eyes was very noticeable as she walked away from him. She sat alone in a corner and watched the other foals. How were they all so happy? What was she missing?