"They won't catch me, plus I've been there before." She grinned. Once, a noble had stolen from a jewelers nearby the inn, and she was blamed. But, peasants look out for each other, and she was free within three days.

Jayce shook his head with a sigh at her words but then smiled back at her. "What am I supposed to do with you," he says jokingly as he plants a gentle kiss on Isabella's forehead.
She smiled at Jay before hearing a little farther than normal people could, that's when her smile faded drastically. "Jay, you need to go home, and I can't go with you." She said sadly. "They think you are missing and have sent guards all over, I heard them attacking Delia's house."

Jayce would have opened his mouth to question how Isabella knew this but instead nodded and called Columus over. He quickly mounted his horse before saying, "Thanks again for this Isabella. I will keep my promise. I swear." He then turns Columbus around and kicks him into a gallop and takes off towards the palace.
Isabella nodded at Jay as he mounted Columbus, and she mounted Taco, riding in the opposite direction to Delia's place. Taco cantered until they got there, and the damage was already done. Her house was in a terrible mess and one of her wolves had tried to protect her and now was gone.

Once back at the palace he quickly un-tacked Columbus and headed inside. He was immediately approached by his parents who questioned him on where he had been. Jayce explained that he had gone out of a short ride with Columbus and had fallen into a nearby creek, explaining why he was wet. He then said that they had gotten a bit lost until finding the road back to the palace. His parents seem to have bought it and shooed him off to bed, even though he was a king now.
After comforting her friend, she went out to go and steal a whole litter of wolf pups from the breeder in town. They would need more wolves in the times to come. Bella took Taco out and to the breeder's place. She had worked there many times and knew ever curve and exit in that whole place. In one of the rooms, she heard the cry of some pups that had been weened just today. Isabella knew that they would probably been tied up in there and a much cozier ride was the wagon she had hitched to Taco. In a few minutes, she had all the pups in that wagon and Taco was cantering home with Isabella on his back.

Jayce went up to his room after talking to his parents and decided a shower would be nice. As he was taking out his clothes the rock that Isabella had given him fell out of one of his pockets. Jay picked it up and placed it on his desk among a few other things there for decoration. Once that was done he headed into the bathroom that was connect to his room and started up a warm shower.