Peter hoped she was telling the truth but it was hard to be certain.
She rolled her eyes, seeing his facial expression "Want to come?" she asked nicely.
Peter blushed a little, he felt bad for not believing her but she definitely didn't always tell him the truth. "Yes please" He nodded.
"I leave at 10:30, it's 9:47" she walked up to Trouble, snapping the lead on.
"Alright. Anything I can do, not that I'm much use at the moment" He laughed
"Nah, I'm just wearing a top and shorts" she led him out toward the barn.
She brushed out Troubles stains then put him, in his stall.
Peter was still trying to figure out if Jules was really better or not. Of course he hoped so.
"Ready to go?" she asked while she grabbed her keys from her pocket.