
Lily's eyes fluttered open and landed on West. She smiled weakly and said, "Thank you, West."

West jumped as Lily spoke. "Lily.. are you alright? Will you be alright? Can you be alright?" He asked, almost making himself confused. He picked up a hoof nervously and put it back down. What do you even do in these situations?
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Lily coughed as she laughed. "Yes, I'm alright. I will be alright. And I can be alright. Please calm down." She coughed again. "Water? Can you get me water?" She asked, her voice hoarse.

West's brows furrowed. "Water.. yeah." He muttered, running to grab a coconut shell (we are just GOING to pretend there is one just laying around) and filling it up with water. He brought it back to Lily and put it down near her head, looking worried
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(XD yes, we will!) Lily half stood and drank until the coconut shell was empty, and lay back down with a satisfied sigh. She fell asleep.

West paced around a little ways from Lily. He didn't wake her up.. but he wasn't exactly happy with her falling asleep... but he knew she needed it... but he was worried... his mind swirled. West was... usually a very calm stallion. He didn't care when something attacked, didn't care if he got hurt, he was very comforting in hard times, he could protect someone from a cougar and NOT CARE... but when someone he cared about actually got HURT... and he wasn't there soon enough to prevent it... he lost all control. It's like his brain would... leave.
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(Sorry I haven't been on for a while) Lily's eyes opened and slowly she became aware of West pacing in front of her.

West didn't see Lily wake up. He continued pacing, muttering under his breath, looking agonized and worried
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Lily yawned loudly to get West's attention. She stretched and stood up, testing her wounded body.

West's head whipped sideways. "Lily! You're awake!" He exclaimed, walking over to her
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