
Flixie smiled "Cool" She watched him go to yet another stallion, she then continued grazing

(ok re coloring phantom in my head) ghost walked back to flixie when the stallion ignored him he swished his tail at a fly than started to graze

Phantom was back further that square one with his issues to the point he wandered off to the old grazing grounds they had just left. He waled down the mountain and made his way back to the old ground in no time. He stayed there for a couple of days.

(No worries Angel!) Mystery noticed Phantom leaves, but knew he'd be fine by himself, and she couldn't leave her herd unattended for too long anyway. Though after a few days Mystery grew worried, she walked to the top of the hill "Everyone! We have spent enough time up here to graze, I think it's time we head back to our main territory!" Mystery announced, she waited for everyone to regroup then started off down the mountain

Phantom loved it down here. He felt a lot like himself again. He ran around in the lush grass bucking. As he galloped around the wind blew through his mane and tail. He was having lots of fun acting like a young colt.

After the herd drew closer to their main territory Mystery caught Phantom's scent "Thank goodness! I hope he's not injured" She whispered to herself, once they got there she saw him running around like a colt, due to being worried over the last few days, she decided to join in "HEYYOOO!" She yelled sneaking up behind and biting his flank then taking off

Phantom spooked a bit and Kinda stood there for a little bit. He then chased after mystery. "I'm gonna catch you" he said.

ghost was at the back of the herd making shure all the mares stuck together he saw the two horses running around like foals and snorted

Phantom skid to a stop as he saw ghost. He then trotted into the trees to the stream.

Mystery giggled from the thrill of trying to escape "Aha SUREeeeeee!" She yelped back speeding up, she came up to this huge old oak tree, she ran circles around it then used it so if Phantom went one way, she'd go the other