
briea hugged cali back before shoving her nose in her book she jumped when the docter came out

Cali looked at the doctor. "Hello. How is Caleb?" Cali asked.

___doctor "hes sliping in and out of coma he will live but he may never wake up

Cali looked in shock. "I-I have to go," She said before quickly getting on Dakota and galloping off to a trail that even Briea didn't know about. She stopped at a large old willow tree where she got off Dakota and went to kneel. "Atsidáá', Cheii, Shima, Atáá Ayání, amáhóólaahdaazdi, náádináłhiinii dine'é bił hózhǫǫgo dine'é bee naashá." (Translation: Grandfather, Mom, Dad, other ancestors, please hear my calls.) She put a crystal and some feathers near the roots of the tree. "Shinálí Caleb yázhí bił béésh doo yá’át’ééh dah siin. Tł’iish bałáałgo áką́’í dah siin. Shinálíí baa naanáádę́ę́’ t’áá jiní jiná." Said Cali. She got up and sat next to a small stream. (Translation: My friend Caleb might be dying. Please don't let him die. I have to be honest I might like like him.)

caleb had slipped into a coma. He stayed in the coma for a few days. They saw no improvement in his condition so the doctor thought it might be better to let him move on. Caleb was fighting all he could to wake up, to be Able to see whiskey one last time,

briea was sitting in caleb room she was asleep it was the middle of night she woke up and looked at caleb then walked up to him she put his hat over his face then took it "if you dont wake up ill be keeping this" she said with hope

Caleb could hear everything that was going on. He wanted to open his eyes but couldn't. The doctor walked in int he morning. "We think it's best to let him move on" the doctor informed them sadly. Caleb wanted to open his eyes or give them a sign to wait a bit longer but he body wouldn't let him

briea looked at the docter "wait like put him down"she shook her head "no im not putting him down"

Over the next couple of days Caleb's condition stayed the same. The doctor went up to Briea again. "I think it's really time to let him go" the doctor explained

"hes not a fucking dog" briea yelled at the docter "are you gonna tell me he has fles" she the whent over and shook the hell out of caleb then smirked "nice hair caleb"