*she didnt follow the stallion again as she snorted, rearing and bolted off back towards the herd her black and white mane flowijg in the wind like a river. She greeted pistol before glaring at maple and raven for trying to kill the human who saved her brother*
Koda soon moved off again, he trotted along the grass meadow until he saw the wild herd with the mare named Bullet. Koda approached the herd, he was cautious in case of another stallion. The larged scar up stallion walked through the herd. He sniffed around greeting others.
*bullet saw the strange stallion and trotted up still being young she could care less he was an outsider. She trotted around him snorting and prancing.*
Koda pinned his ears, his scars reflected off the sun. His body showed hundreds of scars. Koda shot his front legs at the mare, he warned her to leave him alone.
*she pinned her ears back nipping at his rump as she turned hostile now wanting him to leave. She lunged at his neck grazing it before backing off to watch him ready to attack again.*
Koda was more experienced than this mare, he lunged at her his front hooves smacking her hard. Koda strangled her to the ground, he started beating her with his hooves. Koda stepped all over her. Koda backed off as another warning, he didn't want to actually hurt her.
*she got back up and started pummeling basck. She wouldn't give up! He was just a loner stallion who wanted to take the herd over and she wouldn't let that happen! She fought back with a Ferocity that only a mother had. Her eyes where filled with rage but there was a calmness behind it meaning that she would still see reason.*
Koda fought with all his might, he kicked the mare in the jaw. Koda pinned his ears, he was just visiting and not wanting to take a herd.
*she reared smacking him hard in the face her ears pinnee. She was just a young yearling barley 1 1/2 years old. Blood dripped from her nose,sides and legs from being beat up. She tore his ear before backing off to gasp for breath hatred shining in her eyes as she struggled to breath.
you should 'kidnap' me just for the drama.,my mare is also very SPICY))