Spice breathed hard as they rounded the corner, the met a triple bar and she twisted her body over it. They met the last jump and the impact sent pain tickling up her old injury. She shook it off and walked out of the arena as sometimes it flared up.
He yawned but heard the sound of hooves and he immidietly jumped up Spice! He thought excitedly. Then he saw a dark brown and white cattle.He felt a little embarressed that he had asmumed it had been spice.
Bella dismounted and patted her neck, the stallions owner talked to Bella, the stallion came up beside her and she pinned her ears feeling as if he was a bit close but he couldn't move. Bella and the other owner walked away and she sighed guess I'm stuck here.
He flicked his ears in annoyance he wanted to talk to the older mare but she would only repeat the same thing Stay away from her. he huffed, then walked along the shore.
The stallion looked down at her and she looked away feeling slightly uncomfortable. Bella came back and led her away, glad we're leaving Spice shook her mane as they walked, didnt Copper have this problem?
He began to drag his hoozes in the sand out of boredom. He looked at his hooves watching them pull wet sand along. He let out a brisk sigh. For once he wanted to see spice badly. He turned and walked to what he assumed was where her barn was.
The show was almost over as it was small and didn't take very long, they won second and before leaving did a victory gallop around the arena. The stallion won third and the took a picture next to each other, the barn was only 15 minutes away and soon they arrived home.