
Willow lowered her head just a little and nodded wondering what Tex meant, she looked around the darkened forest "Yeah I guess so, but I'm getting chills at the sight of the darkness out there, away from everyone.." She half whispered for some reason, she looked back down at him and smiled "Well like I said when I first met you, if you need anything I'll be in there!" She offered bobbing her head as she trotted back into the cave, she saw Gem go to the stream but didn't think anything was wrong so she entered the cave "Lismore? Almanzo is outside... I think he WANTS to join, but he's just treading on egg shells with you" She said quietly before disappearing to where Stone was asleep, she played beside Sapphire "Sorry that took a while" She said laying her back against her sisters side for warmth

Tiger didn't know what to think, he'd defended the herd as best he could at the start of the attack and tried to be nice but still couldn't talk to any of the other foals. He wondered whether to try again but instead curled into a ball on the ground trying not to cry.
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Starlight woke up a little cold and hungry in the middle of the night, she heaved herself up and carefully hobbled around the other foalsand left the cave, she walked to the stream and took a drink from it, she sniffed around the ground looking for some grass when her muzzle accidentally bumped the yearling from the herd "Tiger? What are you doing out here?" Starlight asked confused, do you miss home?" She asked laying down next to him for warmth

Gem stepped into the shadows when a colt spoke to her. Then a filly came over and she stepped deeper in the shadows. She lifted her legs high then trotted back to the cavd as quietly as she could. She laid down beside Stone again before he woke up. +++ Saphire nodded to Willow. She cuddled closer to her sister before drifting to sleep
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Oak looked around were the herd last was they weren't there she placed the fox down who scuttled away and she treated the tree line her ears pinned in fear "willow!.......lismor! Sapphire......." She called the three names she new to get no response she turned and treated towards the Forrest looking down as the fox came back her fuzzy tail swisher nervously behind her as she trotted through

Oak looked around were the herd last was they weren't there she placed the fox down who scuttled away and she treated the tree line her ears pinned in fear "willow!.......lismor! Sapphire......." She called the three names she new to get no response she turned and treated towards the Forrest looking down as the fox came back her fuzzy tail swisher nervously behind her as she trotted through

(yay you're on! I've missed you Ghost!) 👻

(damn, i missed alot lol) Lis looked out at Tex, he and Tiger had fought for the herd, they deserved to be members, eb]veryone was alright by now, but he knew they were shaken, he hadn't seen oak though, but he knew she was pretty strong, he turned to Willow, "Have you seen oak?" she looked to the side, "Please find her if you can't, grab a few foals and wait right outside the cave for me, ill be back +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Lismore cantered towards Tex, "Tex, hey, i need to talk to you" tex looked nervously, "I want you to be a member, you froze, i get it, but you helped starlight in the end, i know you care."....(waits for tex's response lol)
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Tex nodded at Willow's words, watching her walk away. Afterwards, he continued staring out at the trees. A couple minutes later, he was about to fall asleep when Lismore cantered up. He pushed himself to his feet, not wanting to be laying down, flicking his frosted tail. At Lismore's words, he tilted his head, his audits swiveling, surprised. "oh- well.. I would love to become a herd member, if you're sure." He smiled faintly.
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(Pfft the emoji) Oaks as ears flicked as she walked nudging the fox every time he started to slow or trip her white patches were muddy and she was still sweaty she walked up a hill grabbing the fox by his scruff so he didn't fall she tripped and stumbled on her way up she lost her fitting and slid as it started to pour rain she made it to the top of the hill and put the fox down who she started to call safety with a tired whinny she started to walk down the hill slipping and falling she slid the whole way down her right side getting bloody from the rocks she pushed on till she couldn't move falling the the ground the rain turning to hail