
"Thanks Areus her name is Mystic Warriors but we just call her warrior for short."Sizlin said as viper waited by the water "and that's her father Viper."Sizlin said to Areus as warrior layed down again for some sleep

Taleia l Mare l Single l M: Areus, Sizlin, Viper, Warrior Taleia giggled slipped threw her sweet, and rosy muzzle, as she watched Areus trot up next to her, ' ' ' Ay mate, Not bad ' ' ' She said as a small smirk over took her giggle. As she tossed her head, Messing up her perfectly placed black mane. As they approached the small group Taleia hit Areus with her soft silky woven tail. edging him to stand next to her. ' ' ' Come on Areus ' ' ' She said as her sweet smirk still peeked threw, As she motioned her head forward. Taleia smiled at Sizlin, shaking her mane slightly as she watched Areus. Watching him, made her admire him more. Really getting a good glimpse at his beautiful paint markings. And really what he seemed to be. ' ' ' She really his beautiful ' ' ' Taleia replied after Areus made his comment on how the little filly looked. ' ' ' She sure will have a welcoming place in the world ' ' ' She added in, her sweet British tone smoothing her word out. Making them seeming meaning full. She looked at the filly with a slightly twisted head, as she also wanted to know the small little filly's name. As she shook her pelt a bit, letting the lose dirt go flying off

----------------------------------------------------------- Storm| Stallion | Single |Mentions: Open/ Sally |
Hooves came to a stop at the end of the wooded trail. Orbs closed as he took in a deep sigh and exhauled a pleased smile. Blue orbs scanning out through the thick of the trees as he popped his frame out. The hot sun almost scortching his pelt as he bushed through the and out into the open. Soft and hot sand crushed underneath this weight as he looked down at his feet at the golden particals that glistened so beautifully in the sunrays.
Standing tall, audits flicked as he glanced at Sally who had paced a bit ahead of him. Pinning them at her words, as he turned to look back into the dark of the forest as he huffed ''No, I am not handsome'' he snorted in her direction with a bit of tude in his voice. The warm sea breeze gusted through his tangled and dirt covered plumage, feeling his mangled mane and forelock just sway againt him in the winds. He felt so at peace. Taking off in a trot trying not to let the word 'handsome' sting his feelings, he knew sally was being kind but, he wouldn't ever believe it. He knew he was a freak and that's how he would always see himself. Letting out a bellowed nicker of happiness he chuckled as he kicked up the golden sand with a stretched out buck. Blue orbs just locked to the ocean as he trotted beside it's crashing waves, passing by Sally he playfully nudged her ''Come on!'' he yelled as he took of in a fast gallop down the beach's path, running against the waves, wind in his mane as his nostrils flared out with each step, hooves thuded the sand as it kicked up at his chest, with a toss of his frame as he eyed the waters once more.
After he had picked up a sweat from his gallop due to the weather being hottier here, he began to collect leather on his neck and chest, sweat drops was dripping down his neck as he came to a stop, standing tall and almost proud, as he tried to catch his breathe. He couldn't believe how blue the ocean was, his orbs seemed it sprakle as he stared. 'I wonder how far it goes' he asked himself, snorted out sand from his muzzle as he turned his frame to Sally, he smiled in her direction. Edited at April 1, 2020 04:04 PM by Whispering Wood Barn
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@Whispy: it was so painfully amazing to write all of that, I really dig this character and I think she can add some unexpected drama ;D Please don't get use to that length of a post though, I ain't the writer I used to be and it bout done did kill me I tell ya XDD Noda | Mare | Single | M: Storm and Sally The country seemed endless as the mare greeted the land that lifted itself out of the basin of the lowlands. There was a quiet welcome as the wind blew gently through the sharp grass creating a soothing tempo for her journey. The boundless sea continued on beyond what Noda could see and then was swallowed up into the vastness of the arching sky. The land once dry was becoming more rejuvenated with each day East she traveled and the grass she grazed on was growing just sweeter with each rest. The journey was painful. The mare’s once lustrous rich coat was now crusted in deep black scars that ran across her flank and each hour in the sun scorning down on her pelt made the wounds ache. The small film of sweat beginning to coat her body also did not help ease the sting. Her front legs bared the same afflictions, each step gentle and light to cause less pain on her sore hooves. Formally cream, weightless plumage was now tangled into singed black draping tassels and her cloud-like floating tail that suffered the same miscoloring fate wrestled with a piece of a broken stick caught within the long strands around her fetlocks. Noda was not a sight for sore eyes but rather the cause for such a condition. The suffering reflection in her deep, broken orange-amber eyes slashed with silver hide underneath a black and cream forelock were the only screaming indication of her emotional pain. That was because she couldn’t remember it. The mare walked in silence but her brain screamed at her in panic. There were no memories. No thoughts. Noda had awakened in a field six days ago, drenched in sweat and without breath. A haunting nightmare was the only thing she was able to recall which visited her each night. She had no idea where she was or what had happened to her. At this point, she was following her natural traveling instinct, walking in one direction all day, every day. She had no idea what she was looking for or when she would stop. Today’s trek had brought her to the sandy shore of the ocean and the end of her travels. The wind beat hard against her pelt, whipping her plumage around in a mad frenzy. Noda gritted her teeth as the sheering tingles overcame her body. The mare laid her head down to her chest and began to turn away from the assaulting shoreline when chatter, pounding hooves, and happy shrills of equines greeted her audits. Noda immediately jumped out of her skin as her blood ran cold. She veered off into a thin patch of shrubs that were the only barrier hiding her from view of the pair (Storm and Sally) as they raced across the sand. Closing her eyes, she listened closely and focused hard to differ the voices that filtered through her audits. She would wait here until they disappeared in the distance before making her escape. Suddenly, an image appeared in her mind that placed a name with the voice that called out above the wind. “Storm?” Her lips breathed the name so soft and sweet as her head popped up. Saying the name out loud, only brought an overpowering sense of nostalgia, but no memory of how she knew this equine. From this distance, she couldn't even see what the two looked like other than a tanish/black blob next to a smaller pinkish tan blob. The situation made her heart race but Noda knew she couldn’t just hide now. This was the closest she had ever been to remembering … ANYTHING! Perhaps he knew her? Maybe he knew what had happened to her? So many questions raced in her mind and she had put up with too much and come too far to let that chance go now. With a deep breath, Noda clenched her teeth and pushed herself from the cover of the foliage, her eyes never leaving the face of the equine as she hoped for a miracle with each step she took closer to him Edited at April 1, 2020 05:18 PM by Arabian Heritage
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SALLY/MARE/SINGLE Laughing Sally raced to catch up to storm, his words hit her hard, he wasn't ugly or a freak, to her he was handsome, and she liked him in a way it was a new feeling for her. Tossing her head she paused beside him, her own petite body coated in sweat, the sweet yet salty scent of the ocean made her feel at home with was also wierd to her. Looking up at storm she hoped one day he could see what she seen, because she didn't see herself as beautiful as he called her. Snorting out some sand. The mare turned her head to nip her side, long wavy mane fluttering in the passing sea breeze, why was it so peaceful here she wondered closing her soft brown hues a moment to relish in the breeze and sounds. This could be their home she thought then seemed to freeze at her own thoughts. Their? What was she thinking storm probably had someone already, he probably had a mare who was waiting for him...she sighs at her thoughts she may feel a pull to him, her heart may beat faster near him and she may want to stay with him, but what if he had a mate. She wondered audits almost drooping at the thought. Then as if answering her she looked up just income to see a beautiful mare call out storms name (Noda) she almost seemed to deflate she could never be that beautiful no.matter how she wished...she was just ugly a mistake.. closing her hues she knew it was too good to be true how could she be so stupid of course storm had a mare he was too handsome not to.stepping to be closer to storm almost fearful of this new mare. SALLY seemed to watch her as if she wished to be her before looking to storm "you know her?" She asked storm. Staying beside him, her side just barely brushing his. To be honest she was afraid, afraid he would look to this mare more as a possible mate...afraid to lose storm. Her head lowered unsure of what to say, soft brown hues looking to the sand, the waves crashed on shore brushing their hooves before returning to the ocean..'am I in the way' she asked herself staying beside storm soft pants leaving her from their run.
SALLY/MARE/SINGLE Laughing Sally raced to catch up to storm, his words hit her hard, he wasn't ugly or a freak, to her he was handsome, and she liked him in a way it was a new feeling for her. Tossing her head she paused beside him, her own petite body coated in sweat, the sweet yet salty scent of the ocean made her feel at home with was also wierd to her. Looking up at storm she hoped one day he could see what she seen, because she didn't see herself as beautiful as he called her. Snorting out some sand. The mare turned her head to nip her side, long wavy mane fluttering in the passing sea breeze, why was it so peaceful here she wondered closing her soft brown hues a moment to relish in the breeze and sounds. This could be their home she thought then seemed to freeze at her own thoughts. Their? What was she thinking storm probably had someone already, he probably had a mare who was waiting for him...she sighs at her thoughts she may feel a pull to him, her heart may beat faster near him and she may want to stay with him, but what if he had a mate. She wondered audits almost drooping at the thought. Then as if answering her she looked up just income to see a beautiful mare call out storms name (Noda) she almost seemed to deflate she could never be that beautiful no.matter how she wished...she was just ugly a mistake.. closing her hues she knew it was too good to be true how could she be so stupid of course storm had a mare he was too handsome not to.stepping to be closer to storm almost fearful of this new mare. SALLY seemed to watch her as if she wished to be her before looking to storm "you know her?" She asked storm. Staying beside him, her side just barely brushing his. To be honest she was afraid, afraid he would look to this mare more as a possible mate...afraid to lose storm. Her head lowered unsure of what to say, soft brown hues looking to the sand, the waves crashed on shore brushing their hooves before returning to the ocean..'am I in the way' she asked herself staying beside storm soft pants leaving her from their run.
@arabian drama always welcomes however sally may be feeling inferiror a little xD but that is ok lol ))

Oh, she shouldn't feel that way! Just stay tuned ;) Magical wings said: @arabian drama always welcomes however sally may be feeling inferiror a little xD but that is ok lol ))
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Imma add a stallion even things out lol and add more drama ;))] ROMAN he is a large stallion formerly from Sally old herd, he was her only friend but was chased off at a young age. He searches for Sally wondering if she is ok. Hes kind but get on his bad side and trouble will brew. ______________________________________________ Roman snorts and walked three the dense foliage, near by he heard distant laughter, his large frame paused at a particular laugh. His mind worked harder then ever to place that voice, his large head lowering to bite off a mouthful of grass chewing slowly as he thought. Until finally it clicked. Sally!?! "Sally" he mumbled to himself and looked out the foliage, sure enough there she stood with a stallion, he had to admit she seemed into this stallion, yet the presence of the other mare seemed to put her off as if afraid to lose her stallion companion. Snorting deeply he walked out the foliage muscular frame rippling with each step, he wasn't overly muscled but one knew he had power behind him. But at a glance anyone seen his attention was on Sally. "Sally" he called. The warm cool ocean waves lappedat his heels as he threw closer, bright colored coat a stand out in the sun, that beat down with warm rays sweat already began to trickle down his frame. Pausing a little away he could now see the horse (sally,noda,storm) his attention was on the stallion and other mare briefly before he looked to Sally again, atleast he had found his friend, after all she was like a sister to him yet others d idnt know that. Shaking out his mane he stood there listening to the seagulls call over the ocean, the way the waves made soft sounds as they met the shore. And the way the breeze blew out over them to cool the heat of the sun atleast a little.
And she shouldn't or should xD I'm sorry my brain is on turn off mode it refuses to think today -^- I need coffee lol Well I added a stallion to add to the drama ;) so stay tuned aswell lol Arabian Heritage said: Oh, she shouldn't feel that way! Just stay tuned ;) Magical wings said: @arabian drama always welcomes however sally may be feeling inferiror a little xD but that is ok lol ))
Edited at April 1, 2020 05:41 PM by Magical wings