
Toby was a pretty chill horse, but dayum did he get scared when an absolutely enormous white stallion just popped up behind him. He pretty much just hopped forward with a very not masculine squeak, his eyes wide for a second before he realized who it was. "Oh- sorry for that- nice to meet you Ghost. I am West's very very younger brother, yes, my name's Toby." He answered, calming slightly as his walk pattern returned to normal, his dark brown eyes, the same shade as West's, flicking around.
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( 😭 my cat just sprinted over my keyboard and my chromebook glitched baad) ghost shook out his mane as toby spooked at him when he calmed down he spoke with a nod "nice to meet you to toby" his ice blue eye flicked around before he spoke again "im sure west would love to meet you when we find them that is" he picked his head back up his mane falling to the other side uncovering the burns on his neck he studied toby for a minute before speaking yet again "i bet you heard the storys about the great wild west huh?" he asked tilting his head

(I don't have much sympathy, as I don't own an inside cat hehe) - Toby flicked his black tail, his grey pelt looking much like West's. "I sure hope I get to meet him." He said quietly. Glancing at Ghost, he nodded. "I have heard a lot of stories. You were his friend, right? Like, you knew him well? Was he like how everyone says he was?" Toby asked with a toss of his mane, his brown eyes hopeful.
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( shes an inside out side cat i tossed her out side after she did it XP) ghost nodded "yes a good friend and yes he is like every one says hes the kindest stallion ive ever met i mean he took in the mess of me so the only one kinder then him is mystery " he looked up slightly before using his nose to point to the woods "there was a bad fire i got mystery and the twins out but west was still in the middle of it fighting with an older stallion who new all the tricks in the book when i seperated the stallion from him the stallion got away i dont know what happened after that but he was found by and old friend of his and i got myself out what scares me is he doesnt stop fighting hes probaly giving mystery all the food and rest and not sleeping a bit hes a bit to kind for his own good " he looked back down at the spitting image of west standing there his white mane falling back over his sholder "all of the orignal herd mebers may get to tell you more then me but i can confirm that he is what kept this herd together although being very very stupid at times" (refering to were he RAN AWAY ) he finished with a snort

(LOLLL that's funny right there XD) - Toby continued to walk, his pelt twitching every once in a while to get a fly off, his gaze occasionally flicking to Ghost before focusing on the trees again. "I'm glad that... when he does pass... he'll have an amazing legacy left behind." He commented quietly, feeling a little proud to be the brother of someone who sounded so amazing. He listened to the story, wincing with a small chuckle at Ghost's true sounding words. "He sounds like he crosses the fine line between brave and stupid a lot." Toby said, then quietened. "I hope he's taking care of both of them- himself and Mystery." He murmured, a worried expression coming on his face. From what he'd heard, Ghost was like West's best friend... and if Ghost was scared that West was neglecting their health, then they probably were. "Everyone makes mistakes. All I can hope is it's a good kind of stupid most of the time." Toby laughed quietly, sounding much happier now that he felt he knew all he could learn about his long lost brother.
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( the fact west didnt like ghost at first 🤣 ) ghost nodded before he chuckled "sometimes its a good kind of stupid" he snorted "they have three foals to come back to and a west has a brother he never met so my sole purpose is they get to see them even if im not here to see that" he responded his eye drifing to the herd in the background before he streached "well nice talking im going to anoy one of the three" he nodded to toby before troting away to find one of the siblings to bug

(Pfft it was so he could like Ghost even more later! XD) - Toby nodded and smiled faintly, his ears pricking as Ghost explained. "You'll be here to see it. Cali, Sol, and Westery will be super happy to see them." He stated firmly, although he really hoped that DID happen. At this point... they didn't even know if West and Mystery were still alive. Still, he was an optimist, so he wouldn't say anything. "Have fun." Toby laughed lightly, angling in towards fhe herd slightly before concentrating on searching the forest.
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Nevada | Mare | Wilderness | Mentions: West & Mystery "How long have yall been out here?" She frowned, taking another cautious step forward to completely bring herself out of the shrubbery. Her audits flicked around, aware that the stallion was still close by, probably closer than she realized.

West decided he was never sleeping again as he would have to close his eyes, therefore not see if Mystery was in danger. It made him uneasy seeing another horse talk to her after (years?) Of being completely alone.. together. Alone together. Made total sense. Great, now he was going insane. Or was he already there? He closed his eyes for a moment, mentally resetting his brain, then opened them to keep his cautious gaze on the two, especially the strange mare. All he wanted now was to see and get back to his three beautiful foals, with Mystery.
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(i cant 🤣 maybe he will) ghost turned his head with a smile at the young colt as he spoke before troting off to find westery who was doing something his white mane bouncing with each stride