Ghost was at a gallop. A full blown gallop. Jessie holding on and steering the beast to all the different jumps and obsticles. Ghost jumped high and smooth, landing and going on his feet. Jessie was just there to help the process seem showable. Ghost slowed as the course finished, the last jump being the slowest since the 2nd one. "Good boy!" She cheered, her only there. Ghost was walked back and here and there. She streered him up to the gate near the barn and tied him to the gate, getting an idea. "How about we go bareback for a bit?" She asked, Ghost just looking at her as she unstrapped and took of the saddle and saddle pad. She rested the gear on the top of the fence and Ghost started to get ancy, wanting to run more. She laughed and gripped his mane, putting a foot on his rump then sliding ontop of his slick coat. He started to trot, holding onto his mane and the reins she slowed him down before doing some ground work in the padock.
Somehow Lexi fell asleep in Reggy's stall and woke up to Reggy neighing. She got up and brushed the shavings off of her, She looked at the time. "Shoot come on Reggy we're gonna be late for our lesson." Lexi grabbed Reggys lead and lead him out of the stall into the cross ties. She grabbed the grooming box and quickly brushed Reggy down with ease. She grabbed the tack and tacked up Reggy. She fumbled with the buckles and got his bridle on him. She lead Reggy by the reins out. While noticing the on person she saw in the barn but she was to busy to go say hi and talk. She got to the outdoor arena and her inscructor waved and said " Fell asleep in his stall again?" Lexi replied with a nod and a "Yeah". Lexi mounted Reggy and started walking him around the arena. "I Want to see a trot Lex!" The inscrutctor said. Lexi signeled Reggy to a trot and he trotted along the fence. 40 minutes later Lexi hopped off Reggy and lead him to the barn, tieing him to the cross ties and un-tacking him. She put his halter on and lead him to the pasture. Reggy Whinnied, "I know,I know you want to take a break.". Lexi let Reggy go into one of the pastures and walked down to the paddock to see a girl and her horse, riding bareback. She sat on the fence and watched the dashing horse and his rider.

Even though it was still before six in the morning, Pace had a rough night adjusting to his new dorm, and he still hadn't adjusted from the jet lag and the time difference from several days prior. His family had left him without a horse, and he had no desire to charm someone into letting him compete theirs, despite his work ethic and talent. Though he tended to be painfully shy, he was tired of counting sheep in his bed and scrolling through endless reels of social media, so he decided to go down to the barn and see what was going on. He hardly expected anyone to be up so early, but, to his surprise, there were people riding and training already. Pace wondered what the barn hours were as he stood near the fence, watching some riders train under the lights in the early morning.
She looked over to see an un-familar face and decided to say hi. She stayed on the fence a bit thinking of what to say. Lexi hopped off the fence and started walking towards him. She kicked up some dust as she walked over with her dusty, muddy boots and sand coated clothes. She waved ,"Hey, You new here?" She said as she got a bit nervous but hid it. Edited at June 6, 2022 09:46 PM by Moon Estates

Pace was lost in thought, and barely noticed when a tall girl with dirty blonde hair came over to him. He jumped slightly when she spoke to him, because he hadn't seen her coming. He wasn't sure he could trust her, most horse girls just liked him for his good looks. He tried not to pay any of the girls at the barn any mind, he had to stay focused on his career. And, he found himself to be awkward and shy. "Uh, yeah," he replied, his voice deep. He could see she was blushing, though he'd hardly said anything worth blushing over. He didn't understand girls.
She wondered why he had spooked as she talked to him and chose to ingore it. "I'm Lexi" She tried to start a conversation but she wasnt good at that. She glanced at Reggy playing with a ball in the field and she looked back at the guy. She tapped the front of her shoe to get some of the dust off and figeted with the ring on her hand. Edited at June 6, 2022 09:58 PM by Moon Estates

Heather Storm | 22 | Eventing Rider | Bronze Buckaroo "Eclipse" and The Lovely Marisol "Etria" | Pet: Banjo the Golden Retriever | Mentions: Open. A black pick up truck would be going down the road, hauling a silvery grey two horse trailer with a built in tackroom on the right side of the trailer. Heather would be listening to music on the radio while gently tapping her index finger on the steering wheel. Her dog would be fast asleep in the back seat but he would be buckled up for safety reasons. The young woman let out a nervous sigh, already she could feel her anxiety trying to act up but the young woman would try to keep herself calm by doing a few deep breath sessions. The brunette gently pushed her glasses up since they've slid down a little, she would see the stables come into view. She'd turn her turn signal on before slowly her truck down a bit then carefully turns into the driveway as she was now looking for a place to park, catching a few glances of riders already out on their horses. Once Heather parked her vehicle in a parking spot, she turned her car key as the young woman turned the engine off after putting the truck into park. She leaned back against her driver seat, still feeling a bit nervous while feeling a bit homesick since she wasn't in Florida anymore. "Ok, ok it's fine...everything is gonna be fine. It's just a facility where you board your horses to ride and train for competitions. Besides, what could possibly go wrong..a lot of things actually." Heather softly said to herself, basically talking to herself inside her own vehicle with some of her southern accent coming out a bit. After a few minutes of the brunette had finally calmed her nerves down, she opened her driver side door before stepping out of her vehicle. She turned her truck back on to just turn the air on for her dog so he doesn't get hot in the car, seeing that the Golden Retriever has just woken up after shutting the door. She makes her way to the back of the trailer as the brunette could already hear her stud fussing from inside the trailer, wanting to be let out already after the long drive here. Edited at June 17, 2022 08:43 AM by Aspen Fire ES
She glanced at the where the sound of the engine and car door slamming came from. She looked over to see a truck and trailer had pulled in. She didnt get a good glance at the owner but she saw a horse or two in the trailer. She looked at Reggy then the hazel eyed guy. She tapped the tip of her boot and tapped the other,shaking off all the dust on it. She looked down at her clothes and relized how sandy the were, She didnt care. It only looked like she had fallen 5 hundred times in the arena. Edited at June 6, 2022 10:21 PM by Moon Estates

Heather Storm | 22 | Eventing Rider | Bronze Buckaroo "Eclipse" and The Lovely Marisol "Etria" | Pet: Banjo the Golden Retriever | Mentions: Lexi (indirectly), Pace (indirectly), Open to any interaction. Heather would be wearing a medium blue tank top with a print of both a chestnut horse and a white horse with a black mane running with each other on the front, faded dark blue shorts with black and white sneakers. She would have her hair in a ponytail to just keep her hair out of her face so it doesn't get in the way. The young woman walked around to the other side of the trailer as her stallion continued to fuss inside the trailer as she was getting her tackroom door open to grab a lead since she left their halters on both of her horses. Heather grabbed Eclipse's black lead rope before remaking her way back to the back of the trailer. "Alright, alright I'm coming. Geez, don't get your hooves all in a twist." The woman softly grumbled to herself, opening up the trailer door before setting it down to become a ramp then steps inside to grab her stallion first while her mare has been very much quiet this whole trip here. She stayed on the left side of Eclipse as he had finally settled down a bit, clipping on his lead to his black halter that has silver buckles then she carefully backs him out until he's completely out of the trailer. The stallion stood quite tall next to his rider as he held his head high with perked ears before a loud bellowed neigh sounds out of him, already thinking that he owns the place while he's intrigued by the new sighs and smells. Heather would feel a bit embarrassed by the stallion's behavior as she covers her face a bit with her left hand while holding the lead firmly in her right hand, the young woman moves her said right hand away from her face before she gets her equine to move his feet by walking him in a circle to hopefully calm the stud down some more which Eclipse decided to prance a bit to be a little show off. The young woman slowed the stallion back down to a halt, he was now somewhat easier to manage now as Eclipse shook himself a bit which the brunette carefully refixed his black rug while his black shipping boots stayed perfectly on his legs then she lead the stallion to the right side of the trailer before hitching him to the trailer. She goes back into the trailer, coming back out with Eclipse's half empty haynet before tying it to the right side of the trailer for the stud to snack on to keep him distracted. Heather went back inside the little tackroom, grabbing a pale lilac purple lead rope then she makes her way back over to the back of the trailer to get her mare out of the trailer. The young woman would notice her dapple grey mare was looking back at her with perked ears as she approached the equine on the left side. "Hey, pretty girl." She'd softly said to the equine while clipping her lead to her matching colored halter that also has silver buckles on it. Heather carefully backs her mare out until she's completely out of the trailer. Etria's rug and shipping boots would also match, the woman started walking her mare around in a circle to help stretch her legs for a bit since it was a long drive for both of the equines while the Dapple Grey would be quite interested in the new sights and smells of their new surroundings. Edited at June 17, 2022 08:44 AM by Aspen Fire ES
Reggy unlocked the paddock and released himself. Lexi looked over to check on Reggy and he was gone. "Shoot, I'll see you around. Tell me if you need anything!" She said to the hazel eyed boy. She ran over to Reggy but as she got to him she slowed to a walk. She grabbed Reggy by the halter and lead him to the barn. "Naughty boy, Thats enough pasture time for you!" Reggy snorted and Lexi put him in his stall then locked it. She sighed. "Reggy boy, you know better". Lexi looked over to the truck and trailer and decided to introduce herself. She walked up to the young woman, "Hi, I'm Lexi." She said as she frogot about the hazel eyed boy from all the rush.