ghost was keeping wack for any harm to the herd wile grazing reach bite scan herd chew flick ears at borers chew
Cerburus Smiled feeling the winds on his mane and tail. (Its short iK)
ghost was done grazing and walked up to mystery he nuzzled her in greeting then feel quite
Mystery smiled as the filly came up and stood next to her, she enjoyed the nuzzles and nuzzles her back, Mystery was very motherly to everyone, she looked at the herd as Cerburus spoke "Well, it can get very difficult. Having to try and keep EVERYONE happy, cause some mares want things that other mares don't" She explained, she shook her head and looked at Cerburus "But, it can also be very rewarding and fun" She finished off on a happy note. She thought for a moment before speaking again "My old stallion, his name was Echo, he was the one who made me lead mare! Everything was fine until one day... I found Phantom, he had been half eaten by wolves, I told him he could stay. When Echo realized I made a decision without him he was tense.. And when he SAW that I let another stallion into the herd he was extremely angry, he told Phantom to get lost or die as a intruder, I pleaded to Echo to let him stay till he at least healed.. But Echo was so angry, he told me I was no longer allowed to make decisions without him, anyway I got the other mares on my side, they all voted to kick Echo out... So he left, I was left to take care of this herd by myself... And I let Phantom stay for as long as he wants" Mystery explained the story
(one of my non game oc's name is echo ) ghost shook his head as he herd the story he was looking down at the herd poor phantom he thought to himself
Cerburus Smiled seeing a carcus of a Horse. Cerburus ran up to it wondering if was a herd member she looked around Felix was no where to be seen She ran up to mystery and ghost and said "I think its Felix's Corpse!" Cerburus had a slight tear, feeling guilt for no reason.
(Oh no fricken way! XD) Mystery turned to Cerburus, her eyes widen at her words "W-Where!?" She asked, she just met the stallion before... Now he's dead!?
Cerburus lead Mystery to the Corpse its coat color and pattern had the same as Felix's did Cerburus tear'd up and layed by the hay buring her face into the hay,feeling guilty. (VelociHoof said they didnt wanna rp anymore i asked permission)
ghosts head shot up he pretty much jumped down the cliff he stoped be rashinall he thuoght to himself "ill stay here with the herd"
Ceburus Countinued to lay by the hay feeling bad about what happened to the Young Stallion as she cried laying her head down shivering from the winds.