
Isabella nodded drastically "Y-Yes Lismore, of coarse" She said freaked out as she took off galloping towards Tiger "Tiger! Lis needs you to meet him at the cave! There's a injured filly" She explained getting a headstart towards the cave

Lis arrived with the rest as Isabella and tiger came running towards them, they lowered dove to the ground "Tiger, can you do something about this?" He said frantically "I need you to help her" he nodded at tiger and trotted out to ease the foals
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Isabella went to look for Stone ________ Willow The light brindle pinto filly came out of the cave as the commotion happened, seeing Isabella retreating back into the cave and Tiger and Lismore with a injured filly, scared and worried Willow walked over and scanned Dove's injuries "Lis, what happened...?" The freightened filly asked standing next to him

Dove felt herself fading in and out of conchusnes, finaly, her sight cleared. infront of her were a grupe of foals much like her, she glanced at each of them in turn, then turned to the one closed to her, "Where......where am I?" Her head lolled to the side, the bleeding had compleatly stopped, but she had lost a lot of blood. With quite a bit of struggle, she hoisted herself onto her feet, farful this time not to tear her scar.

Lis looked at Isabella sadly " we, we don't know " then the foal began to gain consciousness and get up "whoa whoa take a beat, you lost a lot of blood" he helped her stay up a lil and then after she was stable, he went out to tell the other foals . Lis saw the foals "she's awake and up, she isn't perfectly fine but she's ok" the looked relieved
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Willow remained outside when Lis left, she looked at the injured filly "Lis doesn't know what happened... Could you tell me? Maybe I can help?" Willow asked softly ______ Isabella Isabella couldn't find Stone, or Gem. So she stayed near Starlight and Sapphire. Her ears perked towards the cave opening when Lismore announced that Dove regained consciousness, she trotted up to him "How does she seem?" Isabella asked ______ Starlight The dark brown filly with light speckles scratched Isabella's back when she came over to her and Sapphire. Isabella filled her in on the news of a injured filly, Starlight sighed "Will she be ok?" She asked the pinto filly. Once Lis said the filly was awake Starlight jumped up and walked outside to where Dove went, she looked the foal over "Poor thing..." She muttered

(I'm behind can someone catch me up)

(So Dove, played by me, was attaked by a mountail lion and her craup and flank were bitten and torn, and she stumbled across the foal herd^^) Dove smiled wearily at the foals around her, they all were around her age, "Hello, I guess I haven't intraduced myself, I'm Dove."

Lucifer trotted out and saw the foal. He looked at her curiously. "I'm Lucifer. What happened to you?" He asked

Lis wandered back in, appearing behind Lucifer and giving him a lil spook. He introduced himself to Dove. He smiled and looked to the rest
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