
Ryker The lean man was busy checking out stuff for paperwork and Phoenix, at the moment staring at the emergency vet bill and checking how much the antibiotics cost. Every once in a while he would check in the auction papers- always looking for a new horse. When Lisa came in Ryker looked up with a kind smile, shoving the bills under a newspaper. "Hello, Lisa. How have you been? You look exhausted." He commented.
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"I've been... fine." She manages. "I am exhuasted but that's not important. I have something to tell you, you may already know though." She tells him earnestly. Waiting for the okay to do so.

Ryker crossed his arms, purely because it was comfortable, and leaned back in his chair. "Shoot." He said, his brain picking through a bunch of things.
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"A barn. There's a barn. Ifyou go to the waterfall and back through the trees for a good while you'll come upon it. I.... heard horses whinnying, but the place was almost abandoned.... I thought I should let you know." She tells him, fiddling with her fingers.

Ryker tilted his head as he took in the information. Afterwards he glanced out the windows... it was still light it. "Want to go take a look?" He asked, standing up. "And, you know, show me where it is." Ryker smiled a little, walking over to the window and looking out through the trees.
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Lisa followed him with a nod. "I can. Domino will also remember the way." She tells him. They walk to the barn and LIsa tacks up Domino, she mounts and waits for Ryker. She waits just outside the barn for him.

Ryker exits the small cabin-themed office and heads towards the barn. He goes into a darker stall, one at the back of the barn. "Hey sweetie... I know I haven't ridden you for a while." He whispered, stroking the neck of a horse in the shadows. Putting on a dark leather bridle, Ryker leads the mare into the light. A golden sheen covered the hole horse's coat. She had ebony black mane and white speckles across her haunches and back. Truly a beautiful horse. Hopping up easily onto the bare back of the stunning mare, Ryker nodded. "Lead the way." He called to Lisa.
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"Beautiful mare." Lisa comments starting to have Domino trot to the waterfall. They trot past it and through the thick trees of the forest. Soon enough they come to a large clearing. Lisa stops Domino at the edge of the clearing. "That's it...." She tells him. Staring at the barn and multiple trucks parked outside. "It was abandoned when I was here..."

Ryker clicked his mare, Northern Lights, forward. She was obviously an older horse, but still in good shape. Trotting up to the rise and halting Her, he looked at the scene below. "Hm. Well, let's go." Ryker studied it for a moment before saying what he said, letting the mare pick her way forward. They got onto the dirt road and went into the stable drive. - (Do you want to play the men?)
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{Desiree's Pov} - "I saw someone looking at Phoneix and i wondered what was it for, I was confused because i hadn't placed Phoneix for sale so why was someone looking at him, I walk over and glare to the person "Can i help you", I say in a stern tone to the person that was looking at my horse, The person asked me if he was for sale and i said no and walked off taking Phoneix with me" Edited at January 14, 2024 08:07 AM by Rivershine Stud