
Liam nodded slowly, frowning at her lack of conversation. Still, if she wanted to be like that, it didnt bother him. He didnt know her anyway. He sighed and headed toward the riders lounge, chucking his phone down by the multiple sofas and settling himsef down, keeping an eye out every now and then incase his break ended.

chloe then swaped whiskey for bolt and did some dressarge with him. bolt was amazing at flying changes and passage. chloe let bolt go into a loose canter to cool off.

It wasnt much of a break in the end, Liam was very quickly called back out into the yard to unload a couple new horses. One of them being a gorgeous buckskin QH mare, yet to be assigned to someone else at the stable.

Chloe took bolt to the stable to take off his saddle. She then hosed him down and put the bridle on Pippa. She vaulted up on the mare and walked to a big open feild. Pippa was doing a nice canter until the mare saw a small animal huddled in the grass. Pippa spooked causing Chloe to fall off onto a rock. "Stuff this crap man" she said to herself as she lay there sore.

Liam quickly put the mare away, before heading back out to watch over the fields, his mind spinning. The day was so incredibly boring. He had some slight bount of entertainment however, when he watched the girl he had spoken too earlier..fall. Though he found it somewhat funny, he still headed over and asked if she was okay. He was only doing his job, anyway.

Chloe lay in the grass and looked up at the boy. "Yeah I'm fine" she said. She always lied and said she was ok. Because of her young child hood. She sat up half holding her breath from the pain. As she pretty much hopped of the rock.

"You're not okay are you. What actually happened?" Liam asked, doing his best to mask the slight smile that had played onto his lips. He held out his hand to help her up, out of pure hospitality.

Chloe took Liam's hand and got up. "What gave that away" she asked jokingly. As she stood up she brushed the dirt off her back.

"Oh I dont know, the fact you just landed on a rock possibly?" He joked, steadying her as she stood up. "I'm Liam, by the way" he added, figuring he shouldnt sound too dry.

chloe smiled. "chloe" she said. chloe used to be in the army and there was one man she'd never forget. ghost, tf141 she was in that team, ghost the lieutenant had saved her many times. soap was funny and loved to play pranks and gaz always fell out of helicopters and dangled below them by a rope. but then she left. she still had panic attacks sometimes. "so what do you do around here" chloe asked. she used to be a sargent and didn't talk about her past.