
(Okay so I [Qibli] am confused. Who's with Phoenix? And how do you know them, Rivershine?)
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Wild West Warmbloods said: (Okay so I [Qibli] am confused. Who's with Phoenix? And how do you know them, Rivershine?)
(I fixed it)

Qibli straightened and tilted his head cautiously to see someone with Phoenix. Desiree seemed occupied at the moment, so, after casting a glance at her disappearing back, he slipped into the barn and entered Dash's stall (after grabbing a brush). "Hey bud." Qibli murmured quietly, gently brushing the relaxed stallion.
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{Third Person-Desiree} - "She looked to Qibli with a smile before returning to lead Phoneix to the pasture, She opened the gate and unclipped his lead rope giving the gelding a small pat before he bolted off to the other horses, She smiled and returned to Qibli gently hugging him"

As Qibli was brushing his horse, Desiree ran up and hugged him. With any other person he would have been quite alarmed, but he had learned- with her it was normal. "Is Phoenix okay?" He inquired, lowering the brush to turn towards her with his hand on Dash's thick neck.
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{Third Person/Desiree} - "She smiled when he asked if Phoneix was alright, "Yeah he's doing good", She told him and looked into his eyes apart of her still wanted to Phoneix to be 100% ok"

(I don't know what time it is, but I think it is around afternoon) +++ Qibli patted Dash's neck and nodded at her answer, looking pleased that the horse was doing good- according to Desiree. He then shifted slightly, glancing at the ground. "Uh, hey, would you maybe want to come to my cabin for dinner? And maybe play a card game or two." Qibli asked, running his hand through his hair in a nervous habit he couldn't shake.
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{Third Person/Desiree} - "She looked to Qibli and smiled when he asked her the question about dinner and a card game, "I'd love to" she said with a smile and slight blush to him then she hugged him "I'll be there around sixish, is that alright", She asked waiting for an answer from him while she gently rubbed her dog's belly, She was still wondering about the little neighs her and Qibli heard, A part of her wanted to go back to get whatever it may have been"

Qibli seemed a bit nervous, his fingers twitching slightly as he waited for a reply. Was this too early? Would Desiree think it was weird? Was HE being weird? It was just... he had this feeling, a tickling feeling down in his stomach that he felt like he couldn't ignore. As she answered, he seemed to relax a little, a faint smile coming onto his face. "That's just fine. I'm going to lunge Dash a little first, though." He answered, unhooking a lunge line from the outside of the stall and clipping it to a halter that he had slipped on Dash.
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{Third Person/Desiree} - "She smiled and patted Dash on the neck "Alright see ya then" she said and walked off, She smiled and butterflies filled her stomach as she went into her cabin, She layed on her bed and blushed what a night this was gonna be, She rose up and ran into the bathroom trying on a dress she just got, She looked into the mirror and gasped "This is so gorg", She said and placed it into her closet for the dinner with Qibli later"