
"It's not coffee" she said. She didn't know how to put what she wanted to say Into words. "It's just... you two look so good together and she's drop dead gorgeous and I'm just plain old me. The dapple grey with the strange ability." She dropped her head a little but remembered what amethyst said and picked it back up. "But someone told me I'm like a warrior. And warriors don't run from their feelings, I like you Loki. I like you a lot" she'd never really opened up and this was weird for her

"First of all,i've never liked Coffee,second of all,I like you to.I've been eyeing you since we met.And you are like a warrior.Your strong,your pretty,no scratch that,your drop dead gorgeous.Don't let what you see fool you." Loki told her while nuzzling her.

Angel looked at Loki. She felt butterflies take off in her stomach. She'd never been complimented before and it was all be. She nuzzled Loki back. Angel looked at amethyst she'd helped angel see she was strong and pretty and how the stallion she liked had told her the same thing. "Thank you, thank you for everything" she said to both Loki and amethyst.

"No biggie.I was just saying facts." He said with a laugh. "But,let's go back to the herd." He started walking back and stopped and looked behind and nickered for her to come along.He was excited to announce to Romeo him and Angel both liked each other.

Angel walked behind Loki. She wondered what Romeo would think when Loki told him. She flicked her tail and kept her head high. Because of amethyst she had a new found confidence.

Coffee soon got tired of waiting and decided to ask her question right there. "Again, who was in the fire?" She asked abruptly, her words cutting through the air, not caring about anyone else's personal feelings about the topic.

Angel heard coffe ask amira who was in the fire. Angel was still following Loki but kept an eye on coffe and amira making sure nothing happened

"Val.Val was still in the fire.We don't know if he's dead or all right.I think I can agree we're all a little concerned." He announced sternly. He looked back behind to make sure Angel was still there.

Angel was still there. She was looking straight at coffee now. "You don't have to be so heartless coffee. It's a touchy subject for amira and the rest of us. Ok?" Angel said sternly she mostly been a push over till this point.

A tight knot formed in Coffee's throat, causing her to stutter. "V-Val?", her body tensed as she lowered her head well below her withers. Her ears twitched along with her lips. A sign of a rare nervousness. "I... I never knew.."