Horse Eden Eventing Game
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( CLOSED RP) April 26, 2020 07:41 PM

Darkened Shadows
Posts: 125
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Areus | Stallion | Single | Mentions: Taleia, Open

The stocky-framed stallion jolted as Taleia's plumage slapped against his side, swiveling his head around to follow her movements. Seeing the playful smile curving her pretty muzzle made him grin lightly as he leaned into a trot, his long legs carrying him past the sweet mare. "I suppose not. Better try and catch me though." Tossing his head, Areus released a loud whinny before taking off, his lameness now evident in his long yet jolting strides.

She was back to her normal self and it was a sense of release to the young stallion. Seeing her smile, hearing her sweet laugh and sense of humor was a relief, a weight off of his shoulders. Areus knew the moment wouldn't last, and she would be gone by morning almost as if she had never existed. It brought a pain to his heart, but he would enjoy the moment, even if it was short-lived.

( CLOSED RP) April 26, 2020 07:45 PM

Whispering Wood Barn
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Hello Forum People! It has been brought to my attention that I need to add in some new rules so that way, this forum can continue to be fun for others. So Please Check These Two New Rules Out So Everyone Can Be On The Same Page. It's always a good idea to look over the rules every once in while incase I add new ones that are brought to my attention to make this forum better! ;) New Rules Added Are Labeled: ''No Whoa Is Me & No Fairies!'' also, Important Note Label, few things have been added to that as well, for further detail on understanding.

P.s. I don't want to send in Crocker after you fairies ;)
Image Removed
Thanks! Enjoy Everyone! If anyone has any other things that need to be brought to my attention, please don't hestitate to Pm me :)
Mod Edit: No hotlinking

Edited at April 27, 2020 02:57 PM by Jericho Stables
( CLOSED RP) April 26, 2020 07:55 PM

Da Smexy Sheep
Posts: 6920
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Taleia l Mare l Single l Mentions: Areus, Open

The small well brindled mare tossed her head high up. Showing the underlay of scratches that had formed underneath herself from other battles she had very well came across. Knees kicking up high as the small equine entered a steady trot, pace keeping well the same as she entered it. ' ' ' Now what did i say mate?! No pitty patty ' ' ' Taleia scolded but in a friendly way as her plumage was met to be dashed by the largely built stallion. ' ' ' Oh you wanna play that game, huh? ' ' ' Mumbling under her breath as the large horse dashed off seeming to get a while in front of her time. But the trot was quickly trashed for a fast pulling gallop that forced the ground to rumble.
Areus seemed to be grateful for the time he had left with herself, and thats something that Taleia admired, he always seemed to live the day of the present like its his last, and why wouldn't you? It could be Taleia's last today who knows or the whole horse breed could be swept out like the horses. But she rather not talk about death for that seemed to always come to often for her liking and more well for the others around herself. All thought as she finally caught up to the large paint frame. ' ' ' So you think your better then me?? ' ' ' She said head lowered as she began to push in front of the stud, legs seeming to gallop faster then the could really carry herself. Mane being pushed back flowing in the soft brushing wind that slowed around herself
( CLOSED RP) April 26, 2020 08:43 PM

Darkened Shadows
Posts: 125
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Areus | Stallion | Single | Mentions: Taleia, Open

"I never said I was better than you. All I said was that you may need to catch up." A deep chuckle rumbled in Areus' broad chest as the stallion galloped stride to stride with Taleia, his hazel eyes a light with a never-before-seen flame of excitement. All his life, Areus had been alone without a single companion, not even a mother who nurtured him after he'd been weaned. Bachelor stallions didn't want him around, afraid of his size and competition, and mares feared any stallion who wandered into their lands. Taleia was the first to push her way into his life, but he supposed the excitement would be short-lived.

His gaze shifted to the brindled mare, admiring how long her strides were and how easily she had kept up with him. He admired the way the wind seemed to push her mane back, flowing elegantly like a dancing flame, the way her baby blue orbs glistened with determination. In a way, she was just like him, a horse who hid a dark past behind a smile and kind heart. She was just like him in the way she would push away anyone who got too close.

Areus watched as Taleia's head tucked into her chest and she pushed ahead of him, and all he could do was laugh and allow her to take the lead. Ahead, the treeline to the forest grew larger the more ground they covered and when they reached it, the painted stallion eased into a stead trot before halting all together, lightly bumping the mare with his hip. She was quite the opponent, and he gave her props for going ahead of him.

"Well done, Tal. I'm impressed at how fast you are. Anyways, the cave isn't too far in. Follow me-" He tilted his head to the dense treeline before melting into the shadows with a swish of his plumage.

( CLOSED RP) April 26, 2020 09:05 PM

Da Smexy Sheep
Posts: 6920
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Taleia l Mare l Single l Mentions: Areus, Open

' ' ' You never did, But i can tell ' ' ' Taleia chuckled as it slowly gargled in her thick throat quickly tossing the sound over to Areus audits before they got lost back into the thin air. Taleia was and can be considered competitive, and mostly comes off like that, But usually mostly means a lot in Taleia's language. The equines long and thick consistency mane fluttered back out of her small and narrow face that held her soft baby blue orbs. Her hues were rolling still a bit from what the large frame that raced besides herself had said for her audits were right there to hear it.

As Areus was admiring herself, by keeping his gaze well seeming sharp onto the mare that was name Taleia. But at that point to long strided mare was very focused on winning, for she wasn't gonna lose to Areus, and she was going to show him much dominance like another stallion would show another. For sometimes the mare does wish she was treated like one. And she damn well knows shes not one, but why cant she be treated the same? Why couldn't she seemed to be accepted with them? But Areus sure didn't see her no different, or at least saw her better.

Large hues slowly drifting off to the side to check to the paint's frame seeing he was slowly slowing behind herself. But his orbs seemed locked onto herself. But why? What did she show that had to be different appearance wise, but no she wasn't gonna ask that, right? Then she noticed she was probably doing the same thing. Her gaze was unlocking from him, it was a stand still with their eyes. But seeing Areus slow made Taleia freak out, for her mind always thought to quick. Then the audits of the equines were up, hearing the twigs that had to of fallen from trees be crushed beneath her own two hooves. Quickly snapping her gaze forward to see the woods that greeted both of them.

' ' ' Thanks! ' ' ' The brindle mare yipped lashing her soft tail out as the firm halt came to her hooves. Slowing her down quickly as she snapped her head back to his looking into his orbs with hers as she heard the last part of his sentence. Not responding with words but only with a slight nod
( CLOSED RP) April 26, 2020 09:37 PM

Darkened Shadows
Posts: 125
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Areus | Stallion | Single | Mentions: Taleia, Open

Areus picked his way through the dense foliage, his hooves crunching through dead leaves and branches, mind whirling. He could tell Taleia was still careful in the way she acted around him and all he wanted was for her to be able to trust him, that he was not like any other stallion out there. Stallions had the reputation of being territorial and cruel and simply taking any mare they liked (he'd had bad experiences in the past with stallions like this) but Areus was nothing like them, that he made sure.

Shaking out his painted coat and making a face when a cloud of dirt formed around him, he silently wished that he could bathe soon, noting the fact that his coat was more tan than actually white. He may be able to after Taleia left in the morning, and the thought made his ears pin lightly to his head, not wanting to consider the thought that he would be alone once more.

"Looks like we're here." The stallion announced lightly, turning his head to throw a smile over his shoulder towards the brindled mare. The cave was carved deep into the side of a large hill, hidden by vines that stretched out over the entrance. This was Areus' home, one he'd been living in since he was a weanling. It wasn't much, but it would do for a lone stallion.

"I'm sorry that it isn't much, but I'm hoping it would do for the night." Areus stepped inside, his hooves clattering against the rocky floor. The room itself wasn't very large but there was a small pile of leaves in the corner, evident of where Areus slept at night. It was quiet, and safe, and that's why the stallion had remained here for years. "Please make yourself comfortable."

( CLOSED RP) April 26, 2020 10:17 PM

Da Smexy Sheep
Posts: 6920
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Taleia l Mare l Single l Mentions: Areus, Open

Taleia's orbs drifted over to the large stallion as he shook out his coat. ' ' ' Your dirty ' ' ' The small brindle mare chuckled looking and relating back to his coat that was seemingly a different more of a darker white. Noticing it more as she stepped aside to him, then her orbs went flying up along with her small and narrow head to be greeted by a small seeming cave. ' ' ' This is cute ' ' ' The equine said as she bounded into the cave. Audits perked well high as her neck and head beamed around the room, grasping every detail that laid in there. ' ' ' Well if it makes you feel any better, its dirtier then you ' ' ' She smirked as she trotting next to him, the loud clutter of hooves interrupting her speaking some.

Whipping her head back around, with a neck full of mane that shattered down and across her neck as her orbs were met by the soothing dawn of the sun that came behind the horizon. ' ' ' See you tomorrow ' ' ' She sighed, closing her large hues from the world as she felt the soft and cooling breeze sweep over to damp cave. ' ' ' Well this will do ' ' ' She said quickly snapping out of the small trance she found herself to be tangled up into, looking over to the large male who stood before herself. Before quickly turning around and walking into the pile of leaves that lived in the corner of the den like rock. ' ' ' Are you coming? ' ' ' Nickering from the back of her throat inviting him over to lay with her in a friendly manner. As she rested her long neck into the leaves that smelled just like the stud that she had met and that had stood besides her all this time
( CLOSED RP) April 26, 2020 11:58 PM

Midnight Eclipse
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Rowan was still in the water his gray coat almost turning black, he was fully aware the stallion had been watching him, he didn't really care though. Tomorrow he hoped that nothing bad happened because, usually on that day all he wants is to get away from others he sighed and let out a viscous curse under his breath, he hated himself for what happened that day a year ago
he turned and watched the stallion {Storm} cautiously he never knew what to expect from stallions and always seemed to get it wrong, he let out a sigh before walking out of the water, shaking his coat then picking up a nicely paved canter, most horses would think it was fast but for him it was pretty slow going. He had no clue where he was going but some how found himself following the stallion {Storm}.

Edited at April 26, 2020 11:59 PM by Midnight Eclipse
( CLOSED RP) April 27, 2020 07:12 AM

Former Stable
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Night l female l M: Noda, Storm
Night snorted at the stallions and bared her teeth. This was way to many horses for her liking and she was supposedly a sweetheart. Night shook her mane out and backed up some more looking for a quick getaway.
Got to add a new horse!)
Name:Enchanting lilac
Personality: This sweet girl will help anyhorse, Now it may seem she is a little lazy but she is a hardwoker. She was formally owend by humans but she had escaped from their clutches. She is also a little bit stallion crazy so if she spots a unsuspecting stallion you might watn t move out of the way.
Likes:Explained in personality.
( CLOSED RP) April 27, 2020 11:17 AM

Midnight Eclipse
Posts: 1009
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I LOVE your horse gluttony!))
Rowan|Stallion|M: Noda, Storm, Anyone
Rowan looked at the mare {Noda} as he cantered by, he slightly pinned his ears out of instinced but then as he passed he let his ears go back to a resting posistion. He slowed his pace once he got farther away from the mare and stallion {Noda, Storm} he had no intention of making anyone here feel threatned, he didnt know if it was him or the other stallion {storm} that caused her to bare her teeth, but if had been him he didnt want to make her upset

Edited at April 27, 2020 11:18 AM by Midnight Eclipse

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