
ghost snorted when mystery bit him "oww mean" he shook his neck hard trying to shake away the pain _____________briea "how did you forget THAT!" she laudghed then put ghost halter on "come on lets put you two out side before you break something" she said leading him out seing if mystery would follow

Lyra nodded "I know right!" Lyra went to the tack room to get Mystery's halter, but when she came back Mystery was gone. ______ Mystery The mare snorted "Sorry! Sorry..." She nuzzled the spot she bit "Feel better?" She asked, she stared at Briea when the girl mentioned going outside, she pranced after them forgetting about Lyra's existence

briea put ghost and mystery in the feild "dont worry lyra mystery came with me !" she half yelled to lyra _____________________________________ ghost troted around the field after briea turned him out (do you wanna time skip to mysterys a month pregnant?)

(lol yeah that would be for the best 🤣) Lyra sighed a breath of relief when Briea said Mystery was with her "Oh okay!" She yelled putting Mystery's halter back _____ Mystery She knew what would happen so she ran around tossing her head like crazy before

✨ one month later ✨ briea walked out of the barn putting ghost out with mystery he got out of his stall three times already trying to se her wile she was in the field she opend the gate and put him in with her watching him lope up to mystery then walked back to the barn to finish cleaning stalls and tack ____________ ghost loped up to mystery "i think breia got tired of me" he laughed nuzzling mystery

Lyra would watch out of the corner of her eye when training on Halo in the showjumping outdoor arena, seeing Mystery grazing in the middle of the maternity paddock then constantly trotting up the fence line every time she saw Ghost. Finally Lyra could concentrate on her practice once Briea put Ghost in the paddock with Mystery, giving the mare what she'd been wanting all morning, her mate to be near her so she wasn't lonely or bored, Halo loved jumping flawlessly over the obstacles but occasionally knocked poles on purpose to make Lyra mad ____________ Mystery She'd graze, then trotted to the gate nickering out to him, then going back to grazing when he was taken back. (Repeat that process 3 times lol). Then ultimately cantering up to the gate when she SAW BrieAnn leading Ghost out to her paddock, she tossed her head waiting for the gate to close. Then nuzzled Ghost "haha yep! Well the vet checked up on me this morning... Looks like we're officially going to be parents!" Mystery said excitedly prancing on the spot then nuzzling ghost's neck

Halo watched "Egh! I hope i'm never like those two!" She said jumping

ghost nuzzled mystery back happly he snorted "i cant wait!" he said tossing his head then loooking at halo with a chuckle


(Lol sorry, just making you wait XD) Mystery smiled happily and contently nuzzling Ghost's cheek "I can't wait! I'm going to be a mother!" She glanced at Lyra riding Halo "I just hope Lyra doesn't forget about me after the foal is born..." she said, she smiled just overhearing Halo's comment "Aww Halo! done be like that! I'm sure you'll fall for a stallion one day and end up like me and Ghost!" She said with a chuckle _______ Halo She snorted flying over another jump "Ha yeah right! I'm never going to be so sickeningly in love like THAT!" She said pulling a face at the thought