
Juliet Adams | 24 F Hunters | Nautica ᣀ Pragmatic Location: Courtyard| Tags: Heather / Natalie&Lexi A holler caught her attention and her eyes drawn to the approaching woman. Juliet smiled in greeting but before she could return the greeting, the shorter brunette launched straight into a seemingly one sided conversation. Although she didn't mind and actually found the newcomer intriguing with her drawling accent and perky dialogue. When there was finally a breath in the conversation, as it seemed, Heather - right? Juliet mentally cataloged the name and face, had asked several questions and was interested in a reply. "Well, nice to meet you all! Welcome to this lovely place - you'll enjoy it!" The twenty-four year old was happy to welcome the arrivals. "My horses love it here and it's an amazing facility! Anything you can imagine, they have it!" She chuckled to herself but really it wasn't an exaggeration this place was equestrian paradise. "My name is Juliet by the way. I think I did see someone prepping stalls earlier, they must be for you. I can certainly show you to them." Nodding along with what the younger female was saying about her horses, although she was a bit taken aback at the tasteless way she'd described her stallion and his behaviors. While Juliet had rarely worked with stallions, her trainer had drilled into her that if you were going to keep and intact male - no matter what species - they better control themselves in all scenarios unless in a situation where they were allowed to perform in a safe environment. Hesitating for a moment, Juliet offered, "I can stand with Etria while you bring Eclipse in the barn and settle him. Or if you want I could lead her in." The situation with the two horses was a bit sticky, but anything with horses was up Juliet's alley. The clip-clopping of moving horses caused Juliet to shift her gaze to where Natalie was. It was a good reminder that the tall seal brown was not the only stallion on the premises. In fact Lexi the seven year old was in the barn with Kris. They would definitely have to be smart about how they moved the rowdy warmblood inside. (fabulously edited my previous post... fml)
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Heather Storm | 22 | F | Eventer | Horse(s): Bronze Buckaroo "Eclipse" and The Lovely Marisol "Etria" | Location: Courtyard | M: Juliet, Natalie & Lexi, Thomas (indirectly), Open to anyone. The brunette would have realized that she has seemingly launched herself into a one sided conversation, feeling quite embarrassed since she tends to ramble without meaning to when she gets quite nervous in new areas. "Sorry, I didn't mean to ramble." The young woman apologetically said. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Juliet." Heather politely said with a shy smile. When she was describing her stallion, she noticed that the older woman was taken aback a bit, realizing that she accidently was describing her own stud in a tasteless manner which causes her to panic a little. "Ah, sorry, I didn't mean to describe Eclipse like that. He's a honest to sweet horse, he just tends to be a little too much at times is all." The brunette carefully explained as she hopes that she didn't say the wrong or tasteless things about her stallion as she nervously messed with her finger nails a bit. Heather would be carefully listening to the older woman, nodding a bit then she let another gentle but shy smile appear on her lips a bit. "Oh that would be great! I don't mind you leading Etria first to lead the way, I'll follow you since you know the area better than I do." The short woman would be quite honest with her words since knowing her own self, she'll end up getting lost somewhere in the facility with no clue of where she is. The brunette went over to her stud, seeing the equine quickly shifting his attention on her with perked ears. She would take his shipping boots off first, placing them in the trailer tack compartment then she takes his blanket off, Eclipse decided to start messing with her ponytail with his muzzle as the seal brown was nuzzling her hair a bit. Heather playfully booped the stallion on the nose gently with her index finger of her left hand before placing the rug inside the tackroom compartment. She ducks under Eclipse to go over to Etria, repeating the same process as the dapple mare started to rub her head against the brunette to get an itch on her face. The woman firmly stood her ground so didn't loose her balance then she gently patted the mare's neck before putting her rug inside with the other rug. The brunette unhitched the dappled mare from her trailer before leading her over to the older woman, gently handing her the lead. Once the lead was taken from her, she went over to Eclipse before unhitching him the trailer as well. Edited at June 24, 2022 09:21 PM by Aspen Fire ES

Natalie Oda Reiter | 24 | F | CS & BS | M: Lexi, Open . Saddle and pad in hand Natalie turned to her daughter "You tend to Kris and untack him while I put this in the tack room", Grabbing a cloth near the saddle stand Natalie placed the saddle pad with the rest of the dirty ones and started wiping off any sweat on the underside of the saddle. Saddle resting on its stand Natalie made her way back out to collect Kris's saddle an pad to do the same . Tack dealt with Natalie had fetched the grooming kits to brush down the two equines waiting in the wash stalls, Lexi was loving on Kris patting the ponys neck. "Aren't you two adorable" Natalie chuckled as she passed Lexi one of the grooming kits, "Now lets clean these guys up" Natalie spoke as she dusted away at the tall chestnut mare her daughter doing the same with the short stallion. . Anastasia Roux Greyson | 26 | F | RD & WM | M: Rollin, Open . Approaching the same pasture again Anne unlatched the gate and side stepped in watching as the seal bay frame stud calmly walked up, Smiling she gave him a pat as he stopped a bit past her looking around at the surroundings. "My handsome boy" She spoke running her hand slowly over his back before giving him a pat on the chest, clicking for him to look at her Anne slid the halter on and did up the clip. Clicking she had him step back so she could open the gate and walk out with him in tow, Enjoying the sound of his hooves on the paved ground leading up to the stable she was able to relax knowing Rollin was quite a relaxed stud for being so young. . Thomas Ortwin Lenz | 28 | M | Reika | M: Reika, Open . Allowing the mare to finish off the carrot Thomas gave her white nose a rub, Once she'd finished the treat Thomas decided to give her some scratches and loving. Talking to her in a sweet low tone Thomas praised her in german for being well behaved today, Scratching the mares back he watched as her lip started moving and her face relaxed.
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