

smoke soon ran around finding a nice flower patch to rest in. the sun made her grey pelt glow and as she slept she looked peacful and beatiful. her eyes looked like little sapphires. she slept there till someone awoke her

>!< Dixie >!< - She glanced at the foxes arriving near her and tucked her tail underneath her in submission, she didn't wanna come off as a rude fox. She perked her ears as once spoke to her, "Nice to meet you as well", she said to the she fox but kept her tail underneath her rump. - >!< Hawthorne >!< - He noticed the nervousness on Dixie's face, therefore he trotted over to give her comfort, he nudged her side and sat beside her. "I'm Hawthorne, this is Dixie and the one behind us is Kaiya", he told the she fox with a small grin. - >!< Kaiya >!< - Her white coat shimmered in the sunlight as Hawthorne mentioned her name, she dunked out of the shadows and made herself more visible, her blue eyes pierceing to look at the she fox who had spoken to her friends.

Smokey saw more foxes and perked her ears up. She jogged over interested by the foxes.

>!< Dixie >!< - She perked her ears as she sat beside Hawthorne and infront of Kaiya, her white coat shimmering in the sunlight of where she sat. Gazing into the distance, she noticed more foxes. - >!< Hawthorne >!< - His dark black coat glazed in the sunlight, his eyes watching in a protective stance over both Dixie and Kaiya, his eyes nerver leaving the two females. - >!< Kaiya >!< - She sat behind Hawthorne and Dixie, to nervous to make her apperence known, even though she was breathtaking, she never really enjoyed showing herself to other foxes that weren't her two friends.

She looked at them and smiled "hello" she said happily "I'm smokey"

>!< Dixie >!< - She smiled to the she fox, "Nice to meet you, Smokey". She said softly and sat down beside Hawthorne and Kaiya. - >!< Hawthorne >!< - His dark eyes pierced into the other fox's, "Cool name". He said sharply. - >!< Kaiya >!< - She hid behind her sister and peaked over her shoulder.

Smokey looked at them. "So what bring you guys around here?" She asked now foxes rarely ever wandered around these parts.