( känner mig lite bortglömd och iggad )

Mystery smiled "No problem. And i don't think you did anything, West probably just needs some time to wrap his head around being a father - As in a Biological father, this might be scary for him too. But not as hard as it may be for you since you are the one carrying a barrel around" Mystery tried to explain. She glanced around "You know, i haven't seen him around lately... I hope he's okay" She said quietly so she didn't worry the other mares _____________ Willow Willow stopped eating the grass and tried to get rid off the disgusting taste from her mouth, she watched Trigger sleep for a moment before walking in a circle. Next thing the small palomino mare knew, she got knocked in the side hard by something, causing her to tumble down onto her side in shock, fear, and slight pain. Willow's body hit the ground with a thump "Owww..." She mumbled getting back onto her feet and looking at what crashed into her "Hey... That hurt..." Willow pouted sadly. She watched in distress as the mare fell and said her last few words before passing out "W-Whats...?" She whispered to herself Edited at August 7, 2024 08:24 PM by Hyrule_Stables

Queen regained conchosnes a moment later, and begain thrashing again, she managed to get her legs under her and stood there trembiling. In front of her where two equins, a palimino and a dapple grey(I think, correct me if im wrong lol) She hung her head, "Please...please dont hurt me.....my herd....what happened?" Her voice was gravily and shaky, And her left back leg hurt to put pressure on. Edited at August 7, 2024 08:26 PM by Golden Heart
( Ni verkar inte förstå att jag är bortglömd) Lady började bli lite mer upprörd nu över att hon inte är så uppskattad som hon behöver bli hon suckade djupt och ser mot Dixie som ett varför ser du mig inte står ju här. Edited at August 8, 2024 10:17 AM by Stall junigården

(Wait who's palimino I missed so much 😭) Ghost shook his head still trying to rack up the though of windy being alive he spotted a cream mare on the hill who looked terrified lifting his head slightly he troted up the hill "hey calm down they won't hurt you" he tilted his head at Tue question of her herd ======= Scar drives across the river slipping twice on the stone floor he snorted before he jumped up onto the bank and picked up pace again his brown and white mane bouncing on his neck

(Oh boy Ghost you NEED to read back a little trust me... Some of it involves Scar.. Oh and Golden heart's character is with Willow and Trigger i think? But they left the herd to explore a little)
fear shines in her eyes and looks around a little but tries not to show too much out of her fear she sees a herd of other horses a scream leaves her throat. this mare's name is miss amy she stops short of breath and sweats profusely.

(Hey guyssss don't mind if I join in) The blue roan paint mare trotted around, her small overo white spot visible from the left side of her stomach, where a brand reading CB could also be seen on the left side of her hindquarters. The mare seemed a little chubbier than most wild horses, but a little skinnier than most tamed horses. She grazed around like there was no danger around, while her unusually long forlock touched the tips of the grasses as she grazed, her mane and tail looking too naturally cut for her to be from the wild if you looked close enough.

Regal nodded slowly "Oh okay, i don't get why he's jealous... But that's cool if he's alright" He said

trigger woke up and looked for willow finding her down a bank. he saw her passed out and panicked. "willow?!" he asked "are you ok?"