
Hello everyone! Thank you all for signing up and making this happen. I'll start us off! - West looked around at his herd, grazing on the plains. He shook his coat, yawning, the sun beating down on his black back. Why did it have to be so... hot...
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Tiger snorted and tossed his head, the smell of other horses floated around him
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Phantom would paw in the the stream splashing water on herself, -Ah this feels good- She'd sigh being relaxed before going back to grazing

Aurora pranced around the valley like a mighty stallion, with his head up high, mane bouncing, and tail swishing. His amber eye's twinkling in the sun as he pranced by the herd

West looked at all the horses, then sniffed the air. His ears pinned slightly. He smelled another stallion. West trotted down out of The valley and scanned he ground, searching Edited at April 15, 2023 07:03 AM by Wild Warmbloods
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Calisco grazed peacefully, looking up every now and then to gaze upon her herd of wild horses.

Phantom looked up to the faint sound of trotting hooves wondering who that could be, she looked in the direction she heard it with her ears flicking. Phantom would spot West scanning the valley -I wonder what he's picked up- She'd stare at him for a bit longer than walked off away from the herd to get some shade, her ears would still be flicking wildly as she was still being alert listening incase of there being trouble with whatever West picked up

West sniffed again. The scent was faint... but he might be smelling it wrong. West shook his mane and kept standing there, looking out over the ground. He glanced back at the herd, seeing a small colt prancing around, and a couple mares grazing.
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Aurora suddenly got a burst of energy, his pranced turned into a full speed gallop along with bucks here and there. He'd run circles around the herd jumping over puddles, stumps, thin air, basiaclly anything.

West watched the colt run around, chuckling at his exuberant energy. He turned slightly, walking a little way back down the hill.
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