
After letting the stallions know of Luna's possible danger, she saw Hope frozen in fear. Harmony trotted over and gently nudged her. "it's okay" she told her "it's gone. We are mainly focused on making sure Luna is safe now."

West pinned his ears as Harmony spoke. "I'll go find her and make sure she's okay." He answered, trusting Cosmo to make sure the herd would be fine when he was gone. West cantered into the forest, his ears perked and eyes alert for any sign of Luna. (I have to sleep so sorry it was short!)
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(no it's okay I'm headed there now as well! Night all!)

cosmo was up making shure the herd didnt get bit by the wolf he walked around and nuged harmony "stay close" he told her before he turned back to the herd

Harmony blushed slightly, glad it was dark so he didn't see, Following close behind him. She looked into the woods, watching for Luna

(sorry ive been gone the brothers closer in age to me came to visit)

(it's fine! That sounds like fun :D)

(yeps) cosmo tiped his head up to the sky the pegasus constellation was out he looked back over to harmony "the pegasus constellation simbles strength be strong never let an harmfull animal see that your scared" he said looking at harmony before nuzzling her sholder "west will find her hes one of the best horses here ive known him for ages"

Harmony laughed a little bit, and nuzzled him back. "Thank you" she said softly.

cosmo nodded before flicking an ear at royal who was yelling at joy and forrest who looked stressed before hawk walked over and told the foals to hush he chuckled "those two are at it again" he said looking back at the foals who were nipping at each other