
Harmony started giggling as she watched them. "That reminds me-" she started, before she immediately quit talking and tears filled her eyes.

cosmo turned before laying his head on her neck "shh your alright whats wrong " he asked nuzzling harmony trying to calm her down

She was shaking, emotions over riding her thoughts. Harmony melted into him, crying silently as he hugged her. Trying to speak, she managed to get out "Past... Troubles... I'll tell you... Later." Between her sobs

cosmo nodded "dont force yourself" he told her steping back and bumping her forehead with his nose

She smiled gratefully through her tears, and kept his nose pressed to her forehead, finding it quite comforting. Drying her tears she noticed the sun coming up. "Cosmo" she whispered, and bumped his shoulder. "Look." She turned back to the sunrise. "It's beautiful."

cosmo turned looking at the warm colors of the sunrise "it is" he said his brown eyes looking at the sunset before he turned "you should get some rest you were up almost all night" he told her bumping her sholder

(Aspen Fire come onnnn xD.) +++ West scanned the forest, determined not to stop until he had made sure Luna was safe.
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She laughed, ruefully. "Probably. But I also don't know if I'll be able to sleep without someone near. Those thoughts I had earlier.... Aren't pleasant."

cosmo chuckeld "dont worry i wont leave you and if i do ill make shure to send joy over her chating will ceep away a mad lion" he joked before resting his hind right

Harmony smiled gratefully. "If you have to go somewhere, just wake me up I'll come with you." She concluded, as she layed down and went to sleep.