
Cosmo stirred awake watching West go he shook his head with a snort

Thanks Willow! Ok i'll stay for a little longer in the herd see how things turn out xD)
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Dreams swallowed nervously and whinnied for her herd, hoping someone would hear her. When she got no response, she ducked her head in disappointment and sighed sadly. 'I'll never find them I don't know this land.' A tear fell off the top of her soft nose and into the grass. Realizing she was hungry, Dreams dropped her head to graze. -I guess walking around all night will do that to ya...- She thought as she chewed the sweet grass. -What am I to do?- She asked herself. -Stay here, stable, or try to find the herd and possibly get lost again?- another tear fell. -Why...?-

Hope had walked off before anyone could see. The herd had changed too much and she needed a break. She wandered forward not letting the heat get to her. "im going to have to find a river soon, its too hot" she mumbled to herself. Before long she noticed a small river and took a long needed drink and a cool refreshing dip into the crystal water. She looked around terrified for a moment, realising how lost she was. Pushing the thought behind her she ventured on trying to find a suitable place to rest.
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Y'all I'm so sleep deprived cause of this stupid game XDDD)

Y'all I'm so sleep deprived cause of this stupid game XDDD)
Why does it keep doing that it's so weird)


Harmony stayed next to Cosmo, every day, like she was an extra leg or something (Sorry yall I'm so busy IRL 😭)