
Sultan nods as he turned and followed her to walk over to the others as he was thinking a bit. "Yeah I wish we could a place we wouldn't have to be on edge every time" He snorted and shook his head. "Yeah lets get with the others."

Arion laughed and nudged him softly. "Com'on!" She said, trotting off. The black mare looked back at Sultan and smiled. Are we mates? No, Yes? Well he never asked. I don't really know. Arion thought.
Wildfire, finally realizing that another horse had said something to him. "Wh-what?" He said, tearing his gaze away from Tigress he turned his head. His mind registered what Farnight had said. "Oh, y-yeah, I'm ok now, I think. Hey um, you wouldn't mind going to find Lilac for me, would you?" He hoped Farnight would say he would, he wanted to answer Tigress, but didn't want to answer with another horse around. He trusted Farnight, of course, and planned on possibly speaking to him about later on. For the first time ever, his felt his emotion was pleading and knew his eyes were showing it. What? Since when did he do that? He tried to stop it, but realized that that probably wasn't possible. He tried not to glance back at the chestnut mare standing beside him, hoping not to give to many hints or ideas to Farnight about anything.

"Of course. I'm pretty sure she's asleep, but I'll see." Farnight said and with that, he trotted away, towards the cave, where Lilac was resting.

Tigress's head snapped to Farnight and then to Wildfire again. The way he looked at Farnight you might have guessed he was trying to telepathicly force Farnight to walk away, she could barley hold back her laughter and had to turn her head away, not wanting the amusement to show in her stunning icy eyes. as Farnight trotted away, she turned her head and her eyes back to Wildfire, putting her attention on him. Edited at November 3, 2022 09:18 PM by Flying Chance Stable

"Alright Alright I'm coming" He chuckled as he nudged her back and trotted after and kept beside her easily, He felt his mind was in a little bit of a chaotic place figuting out what he was wanting from Arion if he was in fact wanting her as a mate or not.
Wildfire almost laughed at himself when Farnight had walked away. Had he really just done that? When he saw Tigress try to hide her face, he saw amusement in her eyes, with made his urge to laugh even stronger. He let out a small chuckle. Trying not to get the two of them into a laughing fit, he held his breath so not to laugh anymore, but seeing the confused and entertained face Tigress was giving him for doing so made him let out another quiet little giggle. He felt like a little colt, slap-happy before bed. What was getting into him? Edited at November 3, 2022 10:59 PM by Painted Hills Ranch
Rising Rivers said: "Alright Alright I'm coming" He chuckled as he nudged her back and trotted after and kept beside her easily, He felt his mind was in a little bit of a chaotic place figuting out what he was wanting from Arion if he was in fact wanting her as a mate or not.
I love your guys' simple, soft love for each other, it's really cute <3
Painted hills, Yes, sry pretend I didnt send that XD
Lilac saw Farnight come intothe cave, she tilted her head slightly at him. "Oh hello...do you need something?" Lilac wasnt trying to be rude but didnt know what else to say.