
West was trotting forward, trying to find the faint scent of Dream's trail. Why had she left? It didn't seem like she really knew where she was going. The lines were zig zaggy and weird, and had no particular destination. West lifted his head to scan the ground after he was a ways from the herd. The scent had grown a little stronger... maybe he was within earshot? He let out a loud whiney, waiting to see if anyone would respond.
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cosmo looked at the dead horse his eyes confused he steped near the horses mane looking at the mare " didnt you die when i was a colt" he asked himself unawear that harmony crashed into him the mare was a black and white paint with kind brown eyes

Harmony, again, peeled herself off of him, and startled when she saw the dead horse. "Didn't you die when I was a colt?" She heard him ask himself. She peered at the Paint mare, feeling some sort of recognition, but couldn't place who she was.

cosmo looked at her still confused before he startled seing harmony out of the corner of his eye

Harmony glanced at Cosmo and then back to the mare. "Why do I recognize her?" She asked herself. "Cosmo, who is she?"

cosmo looked at harmony " shes my........my little sister her names rain" he said still looking at her before he steped back
Dreams' head shot up. 'West?' She let out a loud whinny, hoping he would respond so she could try to see if she could pinpoint where he was. Hope bloomed in her chest. Maybe she wasn't lost, after all.

West listened and heard a response. Ha! He let out a loud trumpet back and trotted towards the sound. "Dream, I'm over here." He called before glimpsing a familiar pelt. "Are you okay? How'd you get out here?"
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Harmonys face fell into a look of Pity and compassion. "I feel so bad." She said quietly "for you and your family. I.... I know what it's like to lose a Foal. Family member. Someone you love." Tears threatened to fall from her eyes, but she blinked them away. "If you want to hear the story, I could tell you." She took a breath "but if not, that's okay. I understand." She finished, before stepping closer and nuzzling him, trying to comfort him.

cosmo looked at harmony before returning her nuzzle "you can tell me" he said his voice soft matching his eyes