
Alaska sat by the stream for a couple minutes till she glanced at the sky, seeing the sun was almost set. She guessed it was around 8:30pm, so she stood and walked back to the stables. When she got there she aimed into the 1st barn, walking down the aisles till she got to Sea Clown. Alaska greeted the pretty mare with a smile, refilling her water bucket, giving her fresh hay, and cleaning up quickly before deciding her horse would be good for the night. Alaska didn't want to go back to the cabin quite yet, and she was a little hungry... so she decided to go to the Rider's Lounge instead. When she got there she opened the door and let it close with a soft click, observing the rooms and seeing there was another human there. Caden... wait no, Cade, if she could remember correctly. "Hello." Alaska greeted him, going to sit on one of the couches
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Caden was sitting on a couch, with both his arms laid across the back, when he saw Alaska walk in. She greeted him, and Caden returned it with a smile. "Hey Alaska, I was about to make dinner, would you like anything?"

Alaska sat down on the couch with a slight sigh, folding one of her legs under the other. At the mention of dinner, she perked up slightly, her eyes sparkling. "Ah, we have a cook on the campus?" He joked with a smile, then answered his question. "Whatever you make I'm sure I would enjoy it."
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"I was planning to make steak, how do you like it cooked? I'm doing mine medium rare." Caden replied, standing up and walking towards the kitchen. He loved to cook, and steak was always one of his favorites. He grabbed two steaks out of the fridge and stared seasoning them with salt and pepper. He'd seen a grill right outside the kitchen, so he planned on using that. Edited at August 1, 2023 01:47 PM by Raindrop Ridge

Alaska smiled slightly as Cade announced what he was going to make. Steak was one of her favorite meals, next to ham and bacon. "Medium rare sounds perfect. Need any help?" She asked, standing up and going over to a pillar near the kitchen, leaning against it.
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Caden turned and looked at Alaska, "Sure, is there anything you'd like on the side? Usually I'd do potatoes or mac and cheese, but I'm not really feeling that right now." He walked out the door, set the steaks on the grill, and came back in to grab a coors light from the fridge.

Alaska shook her head. "Nope, just the steak sounds good." She replied, watching him walk away then going back into the living room to glance at the shelves and memorize the layout. She looked back when he came back in, stifling a snort when he grabbed a coors light. Alaska walked back into the hallway and to the back of the building, peering at the sand-colored walls and silver bathroom doors before going back to the living room. All things considered, it was a nice layout. Whoever owned this stables was... rich, to say the least.
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Caden settled back into the couch he'd been on earlier, taking a sip from his beer. He was upset at himself for forgetting his allergy medicine. It wasn't bothering him too terribly at the moment but he knew his eyes would be very red and itchy tomorrow. He glanced at Alaska standing in the living room. "What do you do outside of riding, all things considered we can't really do much other than ride." Caden said with a laugh.

Ashton Hunter | 18 | Male | Ace Of Spades | Mentions:
Ashton had finished working out a little and saw the time. He grabbed his shirt and pulled it on before drying off and going out to the barn. Ashton walked over to one of the paddocks and whistled. After a few moments, he heard a pair of hooves come thundering toward him. He opened the gate and slipped in with Ace's halter before the stallion appeared. Ace stopped short before reaching Ash and snorted before popping up playfully. "Steady, dork." Ash smiled as his horse tossed his head and snorted again as if sassing him. He held the halter out and Ace stepped up and put his head into the halter. Ashton clipped it closed and then held on to the lead lightly while they walked into the barn. The sound of hooves against concrete filled Ashton's ears as they took their first few steps into the barn. The sound echoed ever so slightly along with the sound of other horses eating and a few people chattering. It was a calming sound for Ashton, much like the sound of rain on a tarp or barn roof. Ace dropped his head and snorted before they got to his stall. They walked in and Ashton pulled the door closed behind them before unclipping and pulling off Ace's halter. He stepped into the aisleway again and hung the halter up before going to the feed room with a black feed bucket with "Ace Of Spades" in gold on the side. Once all the feed had been put together, Ashton walked over to his stall. Ace poked his head out and tried to reach for the food but Ash pushed him back and opened the stall door so he could step in and hang up the bucket. Once he had done so Ash said something in russian and Ace stepped up and started to eat. Quickly he checked Ace's water before closing up the door and heading back towards the cabins.

Alaska observed every detail of the room, her bright blue eyes flitting around the tan walls. It was rather spacious. She had already memorized the barns layout and the cabins layout, but she had yet to get all the trails in her head. Alaska only knew how to get to the creek that ran through the woods at this point. When Caden spoke, she turned her gaze to him and prepared to answer. "I like to read a little, hike, swim... kind of normal things. I'm sure anything you answer would be much more interesting." Alaska chuckled, then tilted her head, as if prompting him. "So... yours?"
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