Cerburus Chuckled Cerburus Was Alot Biger Then Before She Died Cerburus SMiled "Ill Miss yOu ANd Mystery And Phantom but ill always protect you.
ghost noded "thats a lot of ands" he said taking a drink of water
Phantom laid there watching the sunset. He always loved the soft pastel colours as they faded away.
Mystery stood, in the heart (middle) of the herd, almost soulless. she had cried for days on end, now she stood, her tears empty for the month, staring at the grass trying to heal the trauma from what she'd seen, knowing Cerburus would no longer be there (Yeah Cerburus, you can be a pegasus)
Phantom thought of mystery when he saw the sunsets. Once a strong willed phantom was now skin and bones. He knew he needed to eat but he just wasn't hungry anymore. He'd never seen an eclipse or anything cool like that. But he'd never see anything like that now
ghost walked up to mystery and nuzzled her "it will be ok she will still be with us in spirit" ghost leaned up aganst her
Mystery took a slow step away and said quietly "Whatever you say..." She wanted to believe him. She did, but it sounded impossible
ghost put his head on mysterys back "its true i...i saw her when her father charged at me she blocked the hit " ghost let his mussles un tence
Phantom closed his eyes and fell asleep
Mysterys eyes closed tightly for a moment before opening again and looking at Ghost "Really?........"She asked so quietly she almost went unheard