
Farnight trotted up to Tigress and the foals, thinking about the move. His hoofs were covered in dew, and the dark clouds above him indicated rain. "Hi! Sorry, I'm a little late getting up, I guess I was tired."
Wildfire thought about what their alpha had said. She was the leader of the herd, he was sure she knew what she was talking about, and she had a good point. He pretended to turn to check on the herd, or to be thinking, but was searching for Tigress, who had moved from where they were speaking. He saw she had taken up position beside the foals. He smiled softly. She was so brave and strong. He would still have to talk to her about the situation that had just occurred, she wasn't getting off the hook that easily. Wildfire turned back to Lilac. "You're right. We'll leave in about 10 minutes. I will tell the herd." He started to walk towards the herd, taking a tall, confident stance, and spoke loudly, "We will be leaving this area in about 10 minutes. Do whatever you must before we go. I will be sure that everyone is here." Wildfire then continued to walk the edges of the herd, gently nudging any too far away towards the herd. When he had finished, he took one last look at the herd. As he was about to walk towards the herd, away from the edge of the woods, he heard a branch crack and swish of grass, then sudden silence. He glared into the woods, searching, listening. Wildfire cocked his head to the side, looking closer. He thought he had seen a flash of grey/gray but it was gone in an instant. He shook his head and headed back to the herd. As he was headed back, he heard a crack of thunder and looked up. The sky was turning dark in the distance. His ears flashed back and forth. He hoped they wouldn't be caught in it. As he was watching the brewing storm, a flash of lightning went across the sky and he heard startled neighs and thudding hoofbeats. He turned back to the herd, a slightly fearful look on his face. There was electricity and tensity clouding between the horses. Fear. Wildfire thought of what to do. He trotted up to Lilac. "We should move forward, but when we find a dense forest or a cave, we should stop for the night, the sky doesn't look too promising." He glanced back up to the dark sky seeing more flashes and hearing deep rumbles. He glanced back at Lilac, seeing fear starting to form in her eyes as well. This wasn't good. Edited at November 4, 2022 01:40 PM by Painted Hills Ranch
Lilac nodded, she could tell he was a bit distracted. "Good idea...hey um" Lilac was silent for a moment, "Im sorry...I didnt mean for it to be so akward between us, If its okay with you I would still like to be freinds..." Lilac looked down anxious for his response.
She really liked the stallion...but she didnt like him enough to not be freinds...plus a relationship right now for the lead mare to have now wouldnt be the best for the herd.
Wildfire looked deep into Lilac's eyes. Of course he still wanted to be friends. Why wouldn't he? "You don't need to be sorry, of course I still want to be friends." He nudged her gently, friendliness in his eyes. "And I will try to be a little less awkward too."
Lilac chuckled, "Yeah, hey um...I'm glad you are the beta in this herd, you are good at it.". Lilac gave the stallion a little smile and turned to help the herd get ready. She was glad they kind of talked about it...it woul make things easier on her, him and the herd.

Tigress responded to Farnight, "hello! How is you day going today?" She asked kindly. She didn't want to make all her conversations with Farnight about herself and her problems, maybe he had problems he wanted to discuss too, although, she knew he was probably the last horse that anyone would ever choose to talk to about that kind of thing.

Sultan smiled sfotly as he watched Arion but he stopped right beside her and looked around and was prepared to move was just waiting on the go ahead from the others. He started hoping they could find a better place for them that would hopefully be safe where they wouldn't have to be worried and on edge all the ttime.v

"Well, it's been fine really. How are the foals? Are Moon and the others well?" Farnight inquired. He felt like the foals had slipped everyone's mind because of all of the drama, and he was glad that the future of the herd was being well looked after.
Wildfire was glad that he and Lilac had talked a bit about their situation and that it was a lot less tense between them. But the tenseness between the herd was another story. Lightning flashed again and the thunder boomed loudly, feeling like it each one was shaking the ground. The darkness had moved terrifyingly closer during the beta and alpha's conversation. They needed to get moving, and they needed to do this soon. He called out to the herd with a bellowing neigh that echoed loudly. "We will move now." It had only been a couple of minutes, but the storm was moving dangerously quick. He turned towards Lilac. "We are heading east or west?" He knew they should head east, but Lilac had mentioned moving west. He was nearly positive it was because things weren't the best at that time and she hadn't been thinking, but he wanted to make sure. Edited at November 5, 2022 01:03 AM by Painted Hills Ranch