Horse Eden Eventing Game
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( CLOSED RP) April 30, 2020 03:14 PM

Arabian Heritage
Posts: 1381
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Noda | Mare | Single | M: Storm, Rowan, Mouse, Stella, Cloud
Noda watched the reaction of the nervous stud, stepping back as he seemed to panic. "Hey, it's okay." She hummed softly, offering him a smile. She had asked the question as an invitation but she didn't need answers. It wasn't her business to pry and she would respect that. She was careful not to stare at him but she was curious as to what he was thinking.

She was unaware of the audience (Cloud, Mouse and Stella) that had gathered around them which Storm bravely faced. The blood bay turned back around to chimera as he dropped something from his mouth onto the shore between his feet. She watched the purple flower as the water nipped at its leaves threatened to was it out to sea. 'What was he doing with it?' She found herself asking but as the painted stallion began speaking, she would have to address that thought at a later time.
She frowned, fixing her eyes on the others. 'What was with all of these horses being drawn to the same area?' As one stallion (Could) stepped closer than the others, Noda stomped a hoof in warning, flexing her audits back from the other side of Storm where she had been standing between him and Rowan. This stallion (Cloud) was acting testy and the mare could feel it in her bones to lunge out at him to keep his distance, but the last thing they needed was trouble and she was still in no condition to engage in a fair fight. "We don't want trouble." She snorted intensely to grasp the paint's attention and stress the impression that they weren't to be pushed around.
( CLOSED RP) April 30, 2020 03:43 PM

Whispering Wood Barn
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Storm| man flesh| Single|M: Noda, Rowan, Cloud

Standing there with his orbs closed, he was blocking out everything around him to protect himself, he was content in his imaginary image of being inside a turtle shell, his hooves sunk into the sands, the large 17h male stood there audits softly flicked in the ocean breeze, he could smell Noda's scent not far from him as she stood a few inches away near the grey male but soon his peace broke.

Audits perked as Noda spoke assertive towards the painted stud that stood near him. Blue orbs shot open only to see the painted male had gotten closer to him, audits pinned shyly, he watched as Cloud inched his muzzle closer to his body, his side jumped as the warm breathe tickled his shoulder, closing his orbs as if to remain still 'please don't hurt me' was the words that fluttered into his mind as a light blush appeared on his painted frame.

Feeling the stud [Cloud] pull away, he felt his body release some tensions, glad it was all over. He peeked back towards the stud, as his blush started to fade, an audit perked yet another pinned shyly, the painted man flesh was lucky that storm allowed him so close, but feeling trapped between Cloud, the ocean waters, Noda and the grey stud, he knew it was best to try and not cause any trouble. Letting out a soft sigh, he could feel his feet digging into the damp sands like a crab trying to barry itself, blue orbs seemed to lock on Clouds hues, silently he stood there, his plumage flicking in the breeze, he offered a shy smile in hopes that the man flesh would continue to be nice towarsd him, audits flicked as he watched Mouse and Stella move down the beach, which he was very happy about.

Edited at April 30, 2020 06:44 PM by Whispering Wood Barn
( CLOSED RP) April 30, 2020 03:48 PM

Former Stable
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Again sorry I've been gone so long my work has been picking up so I'm finding myself with not as much time to post as if like))
SALLY/dead lady/SINGLE
Pausing Sally looked around she was so lost in thought now all she seen around her where golden sands. Was this a desert? Looking back she wondered of anyone missed her but shook her head of course not looking forwards she began her walk again. The warm sands surround her hooves as she walked, slightly sinking to her ankles. She snorts sand from her muzzle, long lashes brushing her cheeks when she blinked. Should she go back? But she didn't remember alot nor did she remember much of Roman. Sighing she began her walk yet again she deemed to be doing this alot, the warm sun burned her back the more she walked in the sand. Brown hues looking around her. Why was the sands so familiar. Then as if to answer the sand twirled in wind (kinda like In spirit the man flesh of the Cimarron)) and zombie army formed only she could see made of sand galloping along the golden sands. Her hues blinked.
a young sand folly could be seen running beside a sand colt, the little zombie bebehs pause beside a dead lady dainty in figure and nose her, the zombie army all continue their galloping off the sands and into the forest vanishing.
Only sand hooves prints seen.
Sally blinks from the hallucination she guessed it was and looked to where they ran off to. Turning she picked up a trot following after the mirage. She had to find answers on why she couldn't remember Roman or much of her herd or mother. Sighing she walk on the shade of the trees a welcomed distraction from the burn in her back most likely a sun burn she thought continuing on.
ROMAN/man flesh/SINGLE
The large man flesh stood on the beach watching the waves before looking to the trees maybe he should go look for Sally even if she was on a journey. Looking to where storm and noda where even if storm didn't like him maybe he should tell them.walking over he paused and spoke "I know you don't like me storm but I wanted to tell you and noda I'm going to look for Sally she went on a journey every member in our herd goes on when of age" he started and looked to the trees. "Only thing is one isn't allowed to stop or rat on this journey and I worry, it's where we find ourselves who we are" he finished and turned walking to the trees he looked back at them and the new zombie army "you can come if you wish may help noda too" he said and walked into the trees vanishing.

Edited at April 30, 2020 11:11 PM by Magical wings
( CLOSED RP) April 30, 2020 05:02 PM

Woodland Dream
Posts: 366
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Stella/mare/ M: Mouse, Storm, Cloud, Noda, Rowan, Roman
Stella stepped closer to Mouse as the other horses [Rowan, Noda, Storm, Cloud] stared each other down and grew tense. Mouse made it easier for her to be brave. Standing close to him, she was able to stop herself from shrinking back when the mare [Noda] sent hostile words towards the white painted stallion [Cloud].
After the strange palomino paint [Roman] walked away, Stella started thinking, Who is he, what is he doing here, and who is Sally?
She shook her mane in confusion, looking to see the other's reactions.
Cloud/ stallion/ M: Storm, Mouse, Stella, Noda
Cloud felt the patterned stud [Storm] tense as he smelled him. As Cloud stepped back , he noticed that the stud only seemeed to relax slightly. Perhaps he sees me as a challenge to his herd, Cloud thought. This made him both proud and upset, he didn't want to get in a fight when he just arrived.
After the beautiful bay mare [Noda] seemed hostile towards him, Cloud began to wonder if it was really the stallion [Storm] he needed to worry about. Standing up straght, showing off all 17 hands of him, he puffed his chest slightly and held his plumage high as he said, "I don't want trouble either. Unless, of course, it's with you." He said this last bit with a small wink, although he was still unsure if she was the stallion's [storm's] mate. Now is good a time as any to start thinking about creating a herd, he thought. Although, maybe he should focus his efforts on the blue roan [Stella] and the spotted stallion [mouse], they seemed to want to join a herd. "I'm Cloud, by the way. Just so you know," he said to the group with a slight smirk.

Edited at April 30, 2020 06:51 PM by Woodland Dream
( CLOSED RP) April 30, 2020 05:08 PM

Woodland Dream
Posts: 366
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Um, guys? Why does "dead lady" change to "Dead lady," "man flesh" changes to "man flesh?", and "zombie army" changes to "zombie army" I'm sorry for bending the rules with this post, but I'm really confused (a little creeped out). D'X Oh my goodness, there it goes. I mean. "m.a.r.e", "s.t.a.l.l.i.o.n", and "h.o.r.s.e.s"

Edited at April 30, 2020 06:54 PM by Woodland Dream
( CLOSED RP) April 30, 2020 06:40 PM

Whispering Wood Barn
Posts: 1778
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I am grossed out as well... i have no clue that's wrong Dx I will message a mod. Hours ago i realized my words got changed in my writing every time i said man flesh, i was able to fix it in my writing but it went back to man flesh in my description of Storm's gender

Edited at April 30, 2020 06:49 PM by Whispering Wood Barn
( CLOSED RP) April 30, 2020 06:50 PM

Whispering Wood Barn
Posts: 1778
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Ugh there it goes again! I meant S.T.A.L.L.I.O.N

Whispering Wood Barn said:
I am grossed out as well... i have no clue that's wrong Dx I will message a mod. Hours ago i realized my words got changed in my writing every time i said man flesh, i was able to fix it in my writing but it went back to man flesh in my description of Storm's gender

( CLOSED RP) April 30, 2020 06:57 PM

Whispering Wood Barn
Posts: 1778
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APRIL FOOLS EVERYONE! Dead Mare, Man Flesh and Zombie Army is a joke that Eve is doing to everyone! April Fools has been moved to the end of the month! No worries just continue as normal it will reverse later 😃
( CLOSED RP) April 30, 2020 07:02 PM

Woodland Dream
Posts: 366
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*relieved sigh* okay, thanks for letting us know :D

Whispering Wood Barn said:
APRIL FOOLS EVERYONE! Dead dead lady, Man Flesh and Zombie Army is a joke that Eve is doing to everyone! April Fools has been moved to the end of the month! No worries just continue as normal it will reverse later 😃

( CLOSED RP) April 30, 2020 09:16 PM

Former Stable
Posts: 0
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Ok sorry for being gone:p
Mouse| Stallion| Single| M: Stella, Cloud
Mouse saw the tension start to form when the blood bay mare stomped her foot. He walked closer to Stella, He was afraid. But he was more afraid of losing Stella if this came to a fight. His hazel orbs looking up and down Cloud. "I'm Mouse and this is Stella. We don't want trouble, but if you bring it, I will be ready. " Mouse raised his 16hh body and stretched out his neck to sniff Cloud's muzzle. When Cloud didn't move, Mouse turned to Stella. HIs neck turning first, and his body following. " I'm sorry. But i'm glad we are friends again. " He flicked her flank with his plumage. He playfully nipped at her muzzle. He gave a shy smile. He has never been more awkward in his life.

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