
Arion looked over at Sultan and smiled back. "You ready to go?" She asked. The black mare cocked her head to the side slightly and grinned.
Lilac neihed to the herd, "We leave now, make sure you all have everything.". Lilac took one last look at their home for a while before turning and wlking away.
It started raining an the foals were scare of the lightning. "Tigress please help the foals calm down, they are slowing us down quite a bit...thank you." Lilac snorted to the mare behind her. Suddenly Lilac caught a sent of somthing she had never smelled before, the was another animal close by. She thought she caught the sent of nother horse but that might have been her imagination. "Come on everyone".
Wildfire looked back up at the sky. The storm was coming, and it was coming quick. He was watching the storm when he saw something out of the corner of his eye. Looking closely, he searched the woods. Was that...grey/gray? The same thing he had seen the night before. A flash of lightning caused him to look toward the sky again. Looking back at the woods, he had lost whatever he had seen. The temperature had dropped, and it was getting windy. Suddenly a scent hit him. A horse. And he knew it wasn't one of theirs. He glanced up at the alpha, noticing she was looking towards the woods too. She most likely also smelled it. He trotted up beside Lilac. "I smell another horse, and I know it isn't one of ours. It could be another bachelor stallion heading east, but I'm not sure. What should I do?" He glanced back at the herd, making sure everything was okay. Besides the flahing of eyes and tense bodies, they were ok. Wildfire was glad Tigress was keeping the foals calm enough, but she looked kind of stressed. He decided after this issue was resolved, he would try to help her.

'Tigress, I think I smell a horse. Do you have any idea who it is?" The smell of the rain overpowered any smell that the horse may have had, and the scent was very faint, but it was there. Farnight trotted up slightly, where Wildfire and Lilac were. As he did that, it started raining heavily. Farnight's coat was already starting to get wet and sticky, so he hoped the rain wouldn't last long. Edited at November 5, 2022 02:58 PM by Luckshan Breeding

Tigress circled the foals whispering calming words in their ears as the strom drew closer. She caught a whiff of an unfamiliar scent and laid her ears back, ready to protect the foals. However, it was gone as soon as she had smelled it. There was a large boom and the foals all startled. It was stressful work to keep them calm. Suddenly, there was a huge cracking sound and a blinding flash. Tigress' brain automatically figured out what had just happened. Her gaze flashed to a tree not that far away from them. Lightning had struck it and it was now a balzing inferno leaning in their direction. Smoke and rain filled the sky. Tigress whinned a warning to the foals and herded them away from the tree about to fall. She couldn't see it behind her but she could hear the roots cracking and tearing as it crashed towards the grass. The foals were within a safe distance away from the tree now, but before Tigress could get away her hoof got caught in a small rabbit hole. She tuged and pulled it out quickly despite the pain it caused her. As she looked up fear clouded her eyes, the world seemed to slow down. The tree was falling right towards her. Trying to get away she lept as fast as she could away from the tree, dodging flameing branches as the monstrosity came crashing down. She heard a large thud and felt an immense about of heat surround her, she galloped faster but tripped over a small log on the ground which sent her flying into the grass. She rolled over and over until she finally came to a stop when she hit a boulder. All she could see was the tree in front of her. It had already fallen but the fire had spread to the grass and the herd was on the other side of the tree. She tried to get up and felt a sharp pain in her hind leg, it was cut and bleeding. She winced but she had to get out of here, the fire was speeding across the grass faster than the rain could put it out. She cantered away from the log and the herd, then spun on her heel and galloped full speed at the flaming tree, she had to get back to the herd. Her leg wanted to give out but she wouldn't let it. She looked at the flames and thought about Wildfire, she couldn't be separated from him and she couldn't die, she didn't want him to feel like she had when her brother died in that flood. She kept with all her might, ignoring the burning pain in her leg. She seemed suspended in the air and the flames licking at her front hooves almost seemed eerily beautiful. Then she landed, her front feet touched the flaming grass first. She closed her eyes in pain but somehow managed to make it out of the fire before she collapsed on the soggy grass near the herd. Her legs burned and she knew that she must be losing a lot of blood from that cut. Her blue eyes searched for Wildfire and she found him easily, he was galloping towards her, she wanted to be awake when he got over here, to tell him she was okay, but her eyes fluttered shut and she passed out, unconscious. Edited at November 5, 2022 02:59 PM by Flying Chance Stable

Edited at November 5, 2022 02:55 PM by Flying Chance Stable

Luckshan Breeding said: 'Tigress, I think I smell a horse. Do you have any idea who it is?" The smell of the rain overpowered any smell that the horse may have had, and the scent was very faint, but it was there. Farnight trotted up slightly, where Wildfire and Lilac were. As he did that, it started raining lightly. Farnight's coat was already starting to get wet and sticky, so he hoped the rain wouldn't last long.
She responded in the past before the other super long message I just sent, "Yes I did smell them, you should go warn Wildfire. I have to stay near the foals." She responded. Edited at November 5, 2022 03:00 PM by Flying Chance Stable

"Tigress!" He shouted over the now pouring rain. The fire was advancing towards them, but it was getting weaker and weaker because of the rain. "Tigress!" Farnight and Wildfire shouted in unison. "Are you ok?!" Wildfire had already bolted into the fast-disappearing flames. Still no response from Tigress. Farnight turned to Lilac. "Stay here. I am going to see if they are ok." He said. He galloped over the fallen tree and saw Tigress unconscious, with wildfire lying next to her, with pain in his eyes.
Wildfire heard hoofbeats trotting up beside him and looked over. Farnight. Just as the stallion reached them, it started raining. Wildfire looked above them. The darkness was surrounding them. Even though the time was probably around noon, he saw no sunshine or even faint light anywhere around them. It seemed as if it were dusk. He looked back down at Farnight "Is something wrong?" he asked while looking over the herd. He saw all of the horses' heads hanging low, their ears laid back, tails tucked. The hoofbeats started to turn into slides and their hooves were starting to sink a little. Wildfire was starting to get worried now. The foals had never had to deal with something like this. What if a horse gets sick? What if one falls? He started to search ahead of them in the rain, which was falling harder now, for a place to stop. He saw a dense forest ahead of them, but his vision was getting shorter by the second. He started to panic. He knew it wouldn't be the best thing, but they weren't far from the trees ahead, maybe a quarter mile. Wildfire started to trot slowly, the rest of the herd taking the clue and following suit. They were so close... then he heard the sound that he had been dreading hearing. A long stretch of lightning flashed across the sky, connecting with a tree. It burst up in flames and started falling. His body immediately went into protection mode. He spun around his body tense, watching not sure what to do yet, Tigress and the foals had made it past, but she had fallen. Before he could go to her, she was already up and moving, but then everyone was too far from the fire that he couldn't see much. The rain was coming down so thick that he could barely see the horses beside him. All he could hear were terrified screams. "Run!" He yelled to the herd. Then another tree burst into flames. And it was heading straight towards Tigress. Wildfire let out an ear-splitting neigh and started galloping toward her. She dodged the tree, but tripped over another one and went flying. His eyes were wide, all he could feel was horror. And coldness. He couldn't let anything happen to her. When he looked towards the herd, he heard hoofbeats in the distance. They were running towards the forest and had most likely made it. He was proud of Lilac for leading the herd to safety in such a situation. It was just him and Tigress left. He looked for her and saw her tumbling in the distance. Wildfire wasn't thinking, couldn't move, no matter how much he was willing himself to. He saw Tigress struggle to get up, then saw her galloping towards a flaming, fallen tree. No. What if she didn't make it? As she lept, the flames licked at her whole body. He couldn't let her die while just watching. It would just be a replay of his earlier life. He watched the flames reflect off her wet coat as he galloped across the muddy ground towards her, his hooves sinking deeper the harder he ran, half sliding as he moved. She landed, almost falling down, but continued to run. Tigress collapsed in the tall grass somewhere away from the fire. His tear-filled eyes searched the forest. He couldn't lose her. He'd hate himself for the rest of his life if he did. He slowed to a walk and searched the forest floor for her. Wildfire froze. He saw her burned chestnut body in a heap. He galloped the of the to her, falling to his knees when he found her. Her eyes were shut. Wildfire was horrified. He smelt burnt hair and blood. He found the cut on her leg. It almost stretched from her knee to her hip. He rested his head on her body, close to her head, tears streaming dowm his face. He'd failed. He hadn't kept her safe. If only he hadn't gone up to the front for something as stupid as smelling a horse. He should have been in the back of the herd near Tigress, then she would have been ok. As he closed his eyes, he saw a grey form galloping through the woods. A horse, most likely the one he had smelt earlier. He thought about following it, then decided he wasn't leaving this mare again, especially now. He moved his head onto the ground next to hers and burried his face into her chest. Then he waited. As he did he fell into a nightmare filled dream, full of flames. Tigress was there, but she kept fading into the smoke filled darkness. Wildfire could never catch up to her, no matter how fast he ran. And those once icy blue eyes he had loved, were filled with a dark emptiness. He eternally ran after her. Until he awoke, the sound of rain still in his ears, the darkness still surrounding them, only it was darker now, as the fires were out. He nuzzled Tigress, and, since his mind was calmed now, he felt he light breath on his face. He smiled. She was alive. He breathed a bit easier and closed his eyes, fighting sleep. Edited at November 5, 2022 04:41 PM by Painted Hills Ranch