
Painted hills, is your message in the past?
FCS um yeah, i kind of took a bit to type that and then got off track, so when I sent it, other messages had been sent, I edited it lol Edited at November 5, 2022 04:49 PM by Painted Hills Ranch

Painted Hills Ranch said: FCS um yeah, i kind of took a bit to type that and then got off track, so when I sent it, other messages had been sent, I edited it lol
Alright! I reread it now!
omg, i just realized how freaking long that message was 😳

Tigress's brilliant blue eyes flicked open, her breathing immediately sped up. All she remembered was blood, smoke and flames. She also rembered fear, not for herself, but for Wildfire. Her whole body burned, she remember the fire scorching her shiny chestnut coat. She rembered watching Wildfire galloping towards her. She remember succoming to darkness and a fit off terrible dreams. Suddenly she realized that Wildfire was lying next to her, his head was pressed to her chest, she could feel his comforting presence next to her. She wanted to laugh and cry at the same time, but the smoke had coated her throat with soot and it hurt to even whisper. He looked sad and protective at the same time, she knew he wouldn't leave her side when she needed it the most. She was glad he was here, his body pressed comfortingly to hers. She knew she could trust him and this whole disaster had proved it. Since she couldnt talk very well she managed to lift her head, nuzzling Wildfire. She tried to clear her throat enough to be able to murmmer to him, "Thank you." Then tears streamed down her face. She gazed at Wildfires handsome features and his kind and caring eyes. She liked this stallion, and now she loved him, for staying by her side, for caring for her. She hoped it showed in her eyes. Then she had a sudden urge for Water, she needed to talk to him and Water should help her aching throat. "Water." She mumbled hoarsely. "Please." Then she laid her head back down on the cool grass, closing her eyes but not falling unconscious again, she wanted to stay awake, with Wildfire by her side. Edited at November 5, 2022 05:14 PM by Flying Chance Stable

Painted Hills Ranch said: omg, i just realized how freaking long that message was 😳
Lol, don't worry, mine were super stinking long too!
Wildfire opened his eyes feeling something touch him, his head jerked up, his body tense, but then he saw Tigress's wild blue eyes, and happy tears streamed down his face. His throat burned from sleeping in the smoke, so it hurt to speak, but obviously not as much as it hurt the mare. She said one-word sentences. She asked for water and he nodded, looking into eyes that showed gratitude and love. He stood up slowly, his muscles stiff and cold. Dew and water droplets covered everything, but with the rising sun, it was warming up quickly. The darkness was faint and farther away now. He walked away from her, searching for water, his hooves sucking to the mud. He saw a small stream and took a long drink. It cooled his throat. Then he searched for something to carry water back to Tigress in. he saw small patches of damp moss under a small cave and grabbed them. He soaked them in the stream then brought them back to Tigress. He nudged he gently and gave her the one of the moss pieces, then used the other to clean her wound. Most of it had scabbed over through out the night, but he knew it would crack back open the instant she moved. He gently cleansed the wound and went back to the stream with the two pieces of moss, soaking them again. He gave one back to Tigress and pulled the other in strips, laying them over the cut. He then searched for more moss, and finding some, soaked it and dabbed the burns on her chestnut coat in hopes to cool her down. Wildfire laid back down beside Tigress.

Tigress watched as Wildfire searched for water. He eventually came back to her, laying wet moss near her head. She quickly started sucking in water. He started to clean her wound, she winced but then relaxed realizing how much better it made the wound feel. He spread water over her burns which helped cease the burning pain. Then he laid down beside her. She was so thankful to be next to a stallion who cared for her this much. After getting a drink her throat still burned, but the water had at least soothed it enough to talk. She knew that by now the herd would have moved on without them, for they needed to find somewhere safe, so it would just be her and Wildfire for awhile until she was well enough to catch up. She leaned over and rested her head on Wildfire's broad muscular chest. "I don't even know what to say because thank you isn't enough." Her voice was scratchy but she didn't care. "This might sound weird Wildfire, but I love you." She said, care in her voice. She was proud to say this, and not nervous. She knew that he cared about her, otherwise he wouldn't have strayed from the herd to help her, to protect her. No one had protected her in a long time. Her brothers face flashed in her mind. "You remember me saying that you remind me of someone?" She asked him, happy tears blurring her eyes. Edited at November 5, 2022 06:03 PM by Flying Chance Stable

Oh em gee y'all I'm back from the dead :p A storm knocked out our power when I got back home and I've been living in the dark ages but it's back now I've read and I'm all caught up (Also, let me say how interesting it was reading all the drama) Is it okay if I jump in? I won't interfere with what's currently happening

The thunderstorm was slowly abating, and the sun was finally visible again. The fire had been put out by the rain, and the wet charred remains of trees in front of Faringht reminded him of how close of a call that was. He saw Tigress and Wildfire laying down in the hollow, surrounded by charred ground and trees. He wondered if Tigress had finally opened up to Wildfire about liking him. After all, as Tigress had told him a couple of days ago, he was quite the horse. He turned around and sighed. Maybe it was for the best, he thought, maybe fate had never intended for him to have a mate. As he walked towards the herd he thought about how much Tigress had opened up to him over the past few days. He was happy just to be friends with the mare and happy for her that she was finally able to express her fellings. Edited at November 5, 2022 06:24 PM by Luckshan Breeding