Mouse| Stallion| Single| M: Wonder Still near the ocean, he answers all of Wonder's questions. "My name is Mouse and this is my friend, Stella. I was just fighting a stallion who was being disrespectful to me and Stella." 'She is so pretty with the wind and everything' Mouse thinks to himself as she admires the ocean. She started blushing at Mouse and he noticed. ' Is she blushing?' He starts to think these thoughts. " So yeah, the ocean is very beautiful."

Stella/ mare/ M: Wonder, Mouse, Cloud Stella pinned her audits when a brindle mare named Wonder walked up and talked to her. She ducked her head, and shuffled her hooves slightly. Seeing Mouse approach, she relaxed, looking up and allowing her audits to go to their natural position. "Yes, I'm fine, Mouse," she says, stepping a little closer to him, away from the new mare. She is so pretty, Stella thought. She seems interested in Mouse, he seems to be taking interest in her as well, she notes. a slight irritation toward the new mare came out of nowhere. I just met her, I need to give her a chance, Stella reminded herself. "I'm Stella," she mumbles, looking at the ground, "This is my friend, Mouse." The way the mare and Mouse seem to be looking at each other sets Stella on edge, she needs to get away. "thank you for standing up for me, Mouse" she says, "but I think Cloud should get some help with his wounds." she flicks her tail, annoyed as she timidly approaches the large, powerful stallion. ------------------------------------  Cloud/ Stallion/ M: Wonder, Mouse, Stella Cloud stays down, not wanting to get up and worsen his injuries. He thinks back on the fight, I was stupid, so stupid, he scolded himself. Mouse had a lot to fight for, I shouldn't have challenged that kind of passion. As he slowly lifts his head to examine himself, he notices a mare approaching him. Stella is the last horse he would expect to come help him right now. He looks back to where she is coming from, there stands Mouse, looking at a newcomer [wonder] Her brindle coat shines in the fading sunlight. "Needed to get away?" he asks Stella, scowling at her. She seems very timid, but determined to help him. Why would she help me? he asks himself. After all, he had just been in a fight with her friend. He bares his teeth at her as she approaches, but she only hesitates for a moment before bending down to lick his bleeding leg. He looks up into her shy orbs in surprise. She helps him stand up, letting his heavy body rest some of it's weight on her smaller frame. She leads him over to lay in the shade of a nearby palm tree, and timidly grooms him, her body language screaming nervous and uncomfortable.
 Wonder| M.a.r.e.| Single| M: Mouse Wonders blue orbs looked deep into Mouse’s orbs and saw a bad past and beautiful past. “ I think the ocean is amazing. I've heard so many stories about it, soI had to see it for myself. I love the seashells and the waves. I-I-I just had to leave to see for myself.” The brindle mare gave an awkward smile, yet she tried to make it sincere. “ So how do you deal with cuts like that?”
Mouse| Stallion| single| M: Stella, Cloud, Wonder Mouse sees Stella move away and he follow. I don't need to abandon my friend just because I met a new horse. "Sorry Wonder, hold on." Mouse walked over to the blue roan mare and stops. " why are you helping him? He disrespected you and me" He see Stella's beautiful orbs and forgets what they were talking about. He melts in her eyes. He forgets all about Wonder and Cloud. He is living in the moment. " I will be showing Wonder around because she is new here and it is getting dark. I adviseyou come with me. Please." He is so afraid that Cloud will take advantage of Stella if he leaves without her. His tail twitches with anticipation.

(I gotta go to sleep after this post, it's 11:45 pm here) Stella/ undead lady/ M: Wonder, Cloud, Mouse Seeing Mouse come over to her, Stella becomes more at ease. She looked up from grooming Cloud into Mouse's beautiful hazel orbs. She looks back to see Wonder watching Mouse's movements. She looks back at Cloud, lying with his eyes closed. Even though she remembered clearly what he had done, he looked so prone lying there, letting her clean him. She stands up, "Yeah, Mouse, let's go." she nudges Mouse's shoulder with her muzzle, but casts a hesitant look over her shoulder at Cloud, who was now sitting up and watching as she walked away. ---------------------------------- Cloud/ man flesh/ M: Mouse, Stella Why does she still care? Cloud asks himself. I have been nothing but rude, yet she still doesn't hate me. He enjoyed the feeling of Stella's soothing tongue cleaning his cuts, but it still felt wrong after what he'd done to her. He feels her stop grooming him, and listens to her conversation with Mouse. He feels her warmth leave him, and sits up to watch sadly as she leaves. Edited at May 1, 2020 01:46 AM by Woodland Dream
Mouse| Stallion| Single| M: Stella, Wonder "thanks, Stella.`" Mouse walks back to the big tree right next to the beach. Stella and Wonder follow. He thinks about Stella and how he wants to spend the rest of his life with her. But he starts to get sad. ' what if she never will eventually like me? Or even love me.' Mouse lays down and puts his head fown next to Stella. He gives her a quick nip at the muzzle. " Wonder, this is where we sleep everynight."
Where is chances player? I have to wait for his/her reply)
 Wonder | M.a.r.e.| Single| M: Stella, Mouse The brindle mare followed Mouse and Stella towards “the tree”. She still didn’t know where “the tree” was. It was a medium tree with lots of shade. The grass was tall, but it only got to right before the hock starts. It was very comfy and warm. “Thank you Mouse and Stella, this is very nice.” Wonder still felt a strange attraction towards Mouse. But she didn’t really now how she felt. SHe quickly fell asleep and drept of the beach.

@Color Breeders - Welcome! :)
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Noda | undead lady | Single | M: Storm, Roman, Rowan, Cloud, Stella, Mouse, Wonder Noda flexed her audits back at the flirty stud's (Could) words, "I don't think I want anything to do with you, period." She snorted, eyeing the paint as well as the others standing around him (Stella & Mouse). She could hear the nervous shuffle from the grey body (Rowan) behind her and could sense his unease, figuring he would bolt in any minute. The blood bay undead lady sighed, flicking an ear to Storm who still stood silent. 'Were any of these studs unafraid of one another?' She found herself thinking but was soon drawn from her thoughts at the familiar voice of the palamino, Roman. Again, she took offense to another stud's words as he suggested her to be lost - even though he wasnt wrong. As yet again, there was an additional body (Wonder) approaching the now seven of them standing on the beach. Noda watched the uniquely colored brindle undead lady pull the attention of half of the studs and chose then to act. She pressed her muzzle onto Storm's neck, silently grabbing his attention as well as looking back to Rowan. "This is our chance." She mouthed to both. Noda looked back at the hot headed paint stud (Cloud) one last time with a deep glare. They could always come back here once the crowd thinned out, assuing not all of of them would be able to occupy the space together or honestly stay in one place longer than a few hours. They could come back.
Edited at May 1, 2020 01:37 PM by Arabian Heritage
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